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[文献求助] 求三篇关于镓铟氧化物薄膜的文献

发表于 2008-11-7 02:29:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1、    T. Minami, T. Kakumu, and S. Takata, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 14, 1689
9 L) l) h9 L6 K(1996).  i$ U; ?! f- j- }
2、   T. Minami, T. Kakumu, and S. Takata, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 14, 1704
2 p+ |1 t- u# R1 j# r: a4 {0 G(1996).* p) f) s- M/ Z* x1 n+ A/ F# ^
期刊:Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A
3 C7 O( G# r% V! ]# x! [ ' Z0 T6 K1 r( P) S+ W9 T
3、Growth, microstructure, charge transport, and transparency of random polycrystalline and heteroepitaxial metalorganic chemical vapor deposition-derived gallium-indium-oxide thin films: K2 I) }2 G  x4 D/ N* [5 j4 W
作者 :Anchuan Wang, Nikki L. Edleman, Jason R. Babcock, Tobin J. Marks, Melissa A. Lane, Paul R. Brazis, Carl R. Kannewurf 7 I% O5 _- v/ a3 T
期刊 Journal of materials reasearch
  l9 s' B* ~9 MVol 17   P3155-3162) x  Y8 y- W! D/ U% g, R& W* [
发表于 2008-11-7 08:54:52 | 显示全部楼层
5 Q0 m+ P, z2 o8 N
9 b2 P1 u' v  t1 m6 v% @5 H
* P8 a0 y. P, k. m7 }# \# e/ I4 w! h: _) U& j  |3 G

1 r+ ^3 j/ H7 ?3 Q; R
7 M$ W* c' T9 V( ^
7 [' N# C: {" ?
( @( i+ R% ^9 w5 n2 z1 p) H. d
. e& f/ a8 ]' i. d3 O; ^& Y7 d6 k6 h1 R1 n2 K9 V: [( @& |
" \4 b/ e  g* K) ~$ z

; A$ l$ I; v9 k0 I' y* g5 y  O: T4 P! D# l
$ s3 y$ Y+ v: p$ q
" b# {+ L7 ~! ]* L) T8 ~& r
( y& R/ A- K# H) A
4 {! c" n9 F+ D) V, x

6 h2 c# j8 i7 X7 PBuffers for high temperature superconductor coatings.Low temperature growth of CeO films by metal–organic 26 l( @- T' W7 m6 |6 h0 D- s) e& h! U3 z
chemical vapor deposition and their implementation as buffers
8 I0 T0 @+ ]. P! Y2 f0 ZAnchuan Wang a, John A. Belot a, Tobin J. Marks a,), Paul R. Markworth b,
0 ?4 l+ T# J0 s2 MRobert P.H. Chang b, Michael P. Chudzik c, Carl R. Kannewurf c; x5 s$ |' r) [( Q$ A! S
a Department of Chemistry, and the Science and Technology Center for SuperconductiÍity, Northwestern UniÍersity, EÍanston,
0 Z2 a, V" z* BIL 60208, USA
, I0 ]7 v0 x2 r9 ab Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and the Science and Technology Center for SuperconductiÍity,
' Y0 _3 b+ R7 v9 Z: D# F$ f, M) ]" lNorthwestern UniÍersity, EÍanston, IL 60208, USA, d+ g) t' q0 |3 {
c Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the Science and Technology Center for SuperconductiÍity,
/ M. B( ~. X7 qNorthwestern UniÍersity, EÍanston, IL 60208, USA8 k6 ]4 ]  E  h* J$ i
Received 12 March 1999; accepted 10 June 1999


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发表于 2008-11-7 08:58:18 | 显示全部楼层
Preparation of transparent conducting Zn In O films by d.c. magnetron 2 2 5sputtering
- v, [6 b- E: L. \0 o3 y
+ |' K% W  Z* T6 ]' u# l1 e; ]9 A
. ]0 d) k) A! ZT. Minami ), T. Kakumu, Y. Takeda, S. Takata5 j, T+ D( d4 A3 ?
Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 7-1 Ohgigaoka, Nonoichi, Ishikawa 921, Japan4 \# }  ?" Y7 F+ W6 h0 x
Abstract9 T$ `3 i5 A: S; y6 P/ }/ H
Highly transparent and conductive Zn2In2O5 films have been prepared by d.c. magnetron sputtering using targets composed of ZnO  a# I& ?: ?0 H4 j# B, w- f7 E
and In2O3. The films deposited on substrates at a temperature of 3508C using targets with a compositionZn:InqZn.atomic ratio.of9 M* @3 D, {+ h7 S/ S
approximately 20 to 60 at.% were identified as Zn2In2O5. The etching rate of the films in a HCl solution was strongly dependent on the
, Q5 X6 D! ?) |8 r% r7 ^$ jZn:InqZn.atomic ratio and the substrate temperature. Zn2In2O5 films deposited on substrates at a temperature of room temperature to; h; P. T* P" j; {( X3 [
3508C exhibited a resistivity of 2–4=10y4 V cm. An average transmittance of above 85% in the visible range was obtained in the films.
. u5 q8 S, c$ P3 Z, iq1998 Elsevier Science S.A.0 B: z4 e! G5 e2 C4 _9 N
Keywords: Magnetron sputtering; Etching; Fil


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发表于 2008-11-7 08:59:44 | 显示全部楼层
Preparation of transparent conducting Zn2In2O5 films by d.c. magnetron sputtering & x: v* H; m8 e
1 d5 g* m" P2 j0 U7 n) e! @$ G- l6 G
T. Minami*, T. Kakumu, Y. Takeda and S. Takata5 O& G# Z0 `, o
) a, \  i4 l7 x* K! [' f
Kanazawa Institute of Technology, 7-1 Ohgigaoka, Nonoichi, Ishikawa 921, Japan
0 T% W9 h# R, U3 N/ CAvailable online 26 February 1999.
3 J6 C& p! y) H
1 q( H% J' u  M# r! z* H# sAbstract
; e. u3 @6 U$ T/ V/ BHighly transparent and conductive Zn2In2O5 films have been prepared by d.c. magnetron sputtering using targets composed of ZnO and In2O3. The films deposited on substrates at a temperature of 350°C using targets with a composition (Zn:(In+Zn) atomic ratio) of approximately 20 to 60 at.% were identified as Zn2In2O5. The etching rate of the films in a HCl solution was strongly dependent on the Zn:(In+Zn) atomic ratio and the substrate temperature. Zn2In2O5 films deposited on substrates at a temperature of room temperature to 350°C exhibited a resistivity of 2–4×10−4 Ω cm. An average transmittance of above 85% in the visible range was obtained in the films.


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发表于 2009-1-18 12:50:20 | 显示全部楼层


关注下,纯支持。  H( y8 P' `# s
发表于 2009-4-29 22:31:09 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-7-24 16:43:28 | 显示全部楼层


我也有自己的想法呢! [5 a! c2 y! c4 c4 m; t+ N( X

$ A! u8 j' t) t  j4 l4 A要么就说吧,你们接着发表哦
发表于 2010-3-5 14:22:23 | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 2010-8-11 23:51:56 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2010-8-18 07:45:55 | 显示全部楼层
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