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[原创] 光电英文缩略语

发表于 2005-9-6 20:19:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P>A<BR>AAS Automatic addressing system 自动寻址系统<BR>AB Absorption Band 吸收带<BR>Address Bus 地址总线<BR>Aligned Bundle 定位光纤<BR>ABC Absorbing Boundary Condition 吸收边界条件<BR>Address Bus Control 地址总线控制<BR>Automatic Bandwidth Control 自动带宽控制<BR>Automatic Bias Compensation 自动偏置补偿<BR>ABCs Automatic Base Communication System 自动基地通信系统<BR>ABM Asynchronous Balanced Mode 异步平衡模式<BR>AC Access control 访问控制(对指定用户而言)或接入控制<BR>Access coupler 通路耦合器<BR>ACA Adaptive channel allocation 自适应信道分配<BR>Adjacent channel attenuation 相邻信道衰减<BR>ACC Area communication center 区域通信中心<BR>Automatic control and checking 自动控制和检查<BR>ACCE Area communication center equipment 区域通信中心设备<BR>ACCH Associaed control channel 相关控制信道<BR>ACCI Adaptive cycle cellinsertion 自适应循环信元插入<BR>ACCS Automatic checkout and control system 自动检验与控制系统<BR>ACD Automatic call distribution 自动呼叫分配<BR>Average core diameter 平均纤芯直径<BR>ACDMA Advanced code division multiple access 高级码分多址<BR>ACM Access control module 接入控制模块<BR>ACNS Advanced communications operations network service 高级通信网业务<BR>ACPI Automatic cable pair identification (光、电)缆线对自动识别<BR>ACS Access control system 接入控制系统<BR>ACT Automatic code translation 自动译码,自动码型变换<BR>AD Avalanche diode 雪崩二极管<BR>Average deviation 平均偏移,平均偏差<BR>ADM Add/drop multiplexer 插/分复用器,上/下复用器,一种数字通讯设备<BR>ADN Active destination node 有效地址节点<BR>Add/Drop node 上/下节点,插/分节点</P>+ r& O( F/ ]9 G% {$ T3 u. U2 p% f, G
<P>ATM Data Network 异步转移(传递)模式数据网络<BR>ADSL Asymmetrical digital subscriber loop 非对称数字用户环路<BR>ADSS Automatic data switching system 自动数据交换系统<BR>AE Actinoelectric effect 光(化)电效应<BR>Aperture effect 孔径效应<BR>AFPM Asymmetric Fabry-Perot saturable absorber 反共振法布里-珀罗可饱和吸收器<BR>AFS Acoustic fiber sensor 光纤声传感器<BR>AFTV All-Fiber video distribution 全光纤电视分配<BR>AGC Automatic Gain Control 自动增益控制<BR>AGCC Automatic Gain Control Calibration 自动增益控制校准<BR>AN Access network 接入网<BR>Access node 接入节点<BR>Active network 有源网络<BR>AOC All-optical communication 全光通信<BR>AOD Active optical device 有源光器件<BR>AOF Active optical fiber 有源光纤<BR>Attenuation optimized fiber 衰减最佳化光纤<BR>AOFC Aerial optical fiber cable 架空光纤<BR>AOI Active output interface 有源输出接口<BR>AON All-optical network 全光网络<BR>AOS Addressable optical storage 光(束)寻址存储,一种存储方式,通过电-机、电-<BR>光或声-光等方法使光束偏转,进行寻址,以代替移动记录煤质来实现信息的写入和<BR>读出。此法较容易实现大容量和高速度存储。<BR>AOTA All-optical towed array 全光牵引阵列<BR>AOTF Acoustic-optic tunable filter 声光可调滤波器<BR>AOWC All-optical wavelength converter 全光波长转换器<BR>AP Absorption peak 吸收峰<BR>APD Avalanche photon diode 雪崩光电二极管<BR>APOF All plastic optical fiber 全塑光纤<BR>APPN Appropriation 占用<BR>APS Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护开关,用于器件或光路切换<BR>ARP Address resolution protocol 地址解析协议,在TCP/IP网络环境下,用来把IP地址转<BR>换成相应的物理地址的一种协议<BR>ARPM Amplitude ratio and phase modulation 振幅比和相位调制<BR>ARROW Anti-resonant reflecting optical waveguide 反共振反射光波导</P>, b( X4 m4 S) ]. Y8 {' P
<P>ASA American standards association 美国标准协会<BR>Automatic spectrum analyzer 自动频谱分析仪<BR>ASB Asymmetric switched broadband 非对称交换宽带<BR>ASE Amplification of spontaneous emission 受激发射放大<BR>ASEN Amplified spontaneous emission noise 放大自激发射噪声<BR>ASEP Amplified spontaneous emission power 放大自激发射功率<BR>ASF Air-supported fiber 空气间隙光纤<BR>ASG Arseno silicate glass 砷硅玻璃<BR>ASI Alarm status indicator 告警状态指示器<BR>Alarm status interface 告警状态接口<BR>ASIC Application-specific integrated processor 专用集成电路<BR>ASK Amplitude shift-keyed 幅移键控,用改变载波幅度的方法对载波进行数字调制<BR>ASLC Analogue subscriber line circuit 模拟用户线电路 27<BR>ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步转移(传递)模式,一种传递方式,在这一方<BR>法中,把信息组成信元,信元的再现取决于要求的或瞬时的比特率。从这一意义上看,<BR>这种传递方式是异步的。也可以用统计方式和确定方式的属性含义来修饰这种传递方<BR>式。<BR>ATME Automatic transmission measuring equipment 自动传输测量设备<BR>ATMOS ATM optical switch 异步转移(传递)模式光交换<BR>ATM-PON Asynchronous transfer mode-passive optical network 异步转移(传递)模式-<BR>无源光网络<BR>ATQW Asymmetric triple quantum well 非对称三重量子阱<BR>ATT Attenuator 衰减器,衰耗器<BR>Automatic target tracking 自动目标跟踪<BR>AV Analogue video 模拟视频,模拟电视<BR>AWDS Active wavelength demodulation system 有源波长解调系统<BR>AWG Array waveguide grate 阵列波导光栅<BR>Arbitrary-waveform generator 任意波形发生器<BR>AWGM Array waveguide grate multiplexer 阵列波导光栅复用器<BR>B<BR>BAP Broad band access point 宽带接入点<BR>BBA Broad band access 宽带接入<BR>BBC Broad band coupler 宽带耦合器<BR>BBCC Broad band communication channel 宽带通信信道</P>  Y$ c, Q- `) x" H6 j
<P>BBF Base band filter 基带滤波器<BR>BBLED Broad band light-emitting diode 宽带光发射二极管<BR>BBTFP Broad band tunable Fabry-Perot filter 宽带可调法布里-珀罗滤波器<BR>BC Bandwidth compression 带宽压缩<BR>BDSL Broad band digital subscriber line 宽带数字用户线<BR>B-EDFA Backward pumped EDFA 后向泵浦掺铒光纤放大器<BR>BEF Band elimination filter 带阻滤波器<BR>Beam expanding fiber 光束扩展光纤<BR>BEFL Brillouin/Erbium fiber laser 布里渊/掺铒光纤激光器<BR>BER Bit error rate 误码率<BR>BEX Broad band exchange 宽带交换<BR>BF Band filter 带通滤波器<BR>Beat-frequency 拍频,查频<BR>Branching filter 分路滤波器,分支滤波器<BR>BFA Brillouin fiber amplifier 布里渊光纤放大器<BR>BFF Biconical fiber filter 双锥光纤滤波器<BR>BFI Beat- frequency interferomenter 拍频干涉仪<BR>BFOC Bayonet fiber optic connector 卡口式光纤连接器<BR>B-FOG Brillouin fiber optic gyro 布里渊光纤陀螺仪<BR>BFOS Basic fiber optical subsystem 基本光纤子系统,由一个光发送机、一个光接收机<BR>和光纤链路串连组成的系统,它提供了上述单元之间的光学通道<BR>BFRL Brillouin fiber ring laser 布里渊光纤循环激光器<BR>BG Band gap 能带隙,某材料的导带和价带之间的能量差<BR>Base group 基群,在特定频率范围内的许多载波通路的总称,它组成一个基本单<BR>元,一边进一步调制到最终频带上去<BR>Blazed grating 定向光栅<BR>BGA Back-ground absorption 背景吸收<BR>BGS Brag grating sensor 布拉格光栅传感器<BR>BH Barrier height 势垒高度,在半导体中从势垒的一边到另一边的电位差<BR>BIP-EDFA Bidirectonal pumped EDFA 双向泵浦掺铒放大器<BR>BIP-ISDN Broad band, intelligent and personalized ISDN 宽带化、智能化和个人化的综<BR>合业务数字网<BR>B-ISDN Broad band intelligent services digital network 宽带综合业务数字网<BR>BIT Broad band interface tester 宽带接口测试仪<BR>BJ Bundle jacket 光纤束护套,光(电)缆内所有构件共有的外部保护层</P>1 a  ~& G/ e+ o" q  I
<P>BL Band-limited 频带限制<BR>Black light 不可见光<BR>BLD Bistable laser diode 双稳激光二极管<BR>BLSR Bidirectional Line Switched Ring. 双向线路交换环<BR>BOA Bifurcation optically active 分支光有源<BR>BOAN Business-oriented optical access network 面向商业的光接入网<BR>BOCS Birefringent optical circuit synthesis 双折射光电路合成<BR>BOD Balanced optical detector 平衡光检测器<BR>BOMUDEX Bidirectional optical multiplexer/demultiplexer 双向光复用器/解复用器<BR>BOTDA Brillouin optical biber time domain analysis 布里渊光纤时域分析<BR>BOTDR Brillouin optical biber time domain reflectometry 布里渊光纤时域反射法<BR>Bragg grating 布拉格光栅<BR>BRF Birefringent fiber 双折射光纤<BR>Birefringent tuning filter 双折射调谐滤波器<BR>BS Base station 基站<BR>Beam splitter 分光器,分束器<BR>Beam spreader 光束扩散器,使平行的入射光束作小角度的展开<BR>C<BR>cable 针对光纤而言,是指一根或多根光纤组成的有保护的光缆<BR>carrier 运营商 A company that provides a communications circuit. Carriers are either<BR>public, such as AT&amp;T and Sprint, or private.<BR>CATV 有线电视<BR>CCF Chirp compensating fiber 啁啾补偿光纤<BR>CD Chromatic dispersion 色散<BR>CDMA Code division multiple access 码分多址,一种调制方式。数字信息靠它以一种扩<BR>充带宽的格式进行编码。在同一带宽内可以同时有好几个传输发生,靠每个传输所用<BR>唯一码的正交度来减小相互干扰<BR>center wavelength 中心波长<BR>central office 中心局<BR>CG-SOA Clamped-gain SOA 固定增益半导体光放大器<BR>channel 信道,在光纤通讯DWDM中,用来传输光信号<BR>chromatic dispersion 色散<BR>cladding 纤芯外部包裹的材料,折射率比纤芯材料低<BR>CLEC Competitive local exchange carrier.</P>
5 z8 K6 I/ R4 d5 g/ R7 E<P>CO central office 中心局<BR>Coating 保护膜<BR>coaxial cable 同轴电缆<BR>C-OFDR Coherent optical frequency domain reflectiometry 相干光频域反射法<BR>COLIDAR Coherent light detecting and ranging 相干光检测和测距,相干激光雷达<BR>COP Coherent optical processor 相干光处理机<BR>COQ Channel optimized quantizer 信道最佳化量化器<BR>COTDR Coherent detection OTDR 相干检测光时域反射计<BR>CPW Circular polarized wave 圆极化波,圆偏振波<BR>CoPlanar waveguide 共面波导<BR>CPWDM Chirped-pulse wavelength-division-multiplexing 线性脉冲波分复用<BR>critical angle 临界角<BR>CTB Composite triple beat 复合三次拍频,两个或多个信号通过具有非线性特性的设备<BR>时,由于产生多个不需要的信号,落在视频载频附近的三次拍频及三阶互调产物称为<BR>复合三次差拍,因而产生干扰<BR>CTC Channel traffic control 信道业务量控制<BR>CTV Conference TV 会议电视<BR>D<BR>D&amp;C-SW Delivery-and-coupling type optical switch 分配和耦合型光开关<BR>Dark fiber 暗光纤,备用光纤<BR>dB Decibel 相对功率的对数表达,在光传输中,通常用来描述损耗<BR>DC Directional coupler 定向耦合器<BR>Depressed-cladding 凹陷型包层<BR>Dispersion compensation 色散补偿<BR>Diversity combiner 分集和路器<BR>Drift compensation 漂移补偿<BR>Drop cable 引入光(电)缆,用于分配网络户外部分的光缆<BR>DCA Dynamic channel assignment 动态信道分配<BR>DCC Digital communication channel 数据通信信道<BR>Digital control channel 数字控制信道<BR>Diversity cross connect 数字交叉连接<BR>DCF Dispersion compensation fiber 色散补偿光纤,具有很大负波导色散的光纤。<BR>Dual coated fiber 双涂覆光纤<BR>DCM Directional coupler modulator 定向耦合调制器</P>3 P* P! G7 G8 p- G' V
<P>Dispersion compensator module 色散补偿模块<BR>DCS Dynamic channel selection 动态信道选择<BR>DCSM Depressed cladding single-mode (fiber) 凹陷型包层单模光纤<BR>DD Delay distortion 时延失真<BR>Differential detection 差分检测<BR>Drift-diffusion 漂移扩散<BR>DDE Dynamic data exchange 动态数据交换<BR>DD-EDFA Dispersion decreasing erbium-doped fiber amplifier 色散降低掺铒光纤放大器<BR>DDF Dispersion decreasing fiber 色散降低光纤<BR>DFB Distributed feedback laser. 分布反馈布拉格激光器<BR>DFCF Dispersion flat compensation fiber 色散平坦补偿光纤<BR>DFF Dispersion flat fiber 色散平坦光纤<BR>Dispersion flat single mode fiber 色散平坦单模光纤<BR>DFOS Distributed fiber optic sensing 分布式光纤传感器<BR>Dual frequency optical source 双频光源<BR>DFS Distributed fiber sensor 分布式光纤传感器<BR>DFSM Dispersion flattened single mode 色散平坦单模<BR>DM Dispersion management 色散管理<BR>DMF Dispersion management fiber 色散管理光纤<BR>diffraction grating 衍射光栅<BR>diode An electronic device that conducts electricity in one direction only. The simplest<BR>semiconductor devices are diodes.<BR>dispersion 色散,一种光传输过程中的现象<BR>DOAP Division-of-amplitude photopolarimeter 分幅光偏转计<BR>DOES Double-heterostructure optoelectronic switch 双异质结光电开关<BR>DOP Degree of polarization 偏转度<BR>DOS Digital optical switch 数字光开关<BR>DPON Domestic passive optical network 国内无源光网络<BR>DRB Double Raleigh backscattering 双瑞利背向散射<BR>DS Dispersion shift 色散位移<BR>DSCF Dispersion slope compensation fiber 色散斜率补偿光纤<BR>DSF Dispersion-shifted fiber 色散位移光栅,单模光纤的一种,在1550nm处色散为零,<BR>用于DWDM系统中<BR>DSL Digital subscriber line 数字用户线,利用现有公用电话网的二线用户环路作为综合<BR>业务数字网基本用户/网络接口,并实现传输速率为160kbit/s的双数字传输的用户线路。</P>
) [8 P  W/ u* f# [- A<P>Distributed Service Logic 分配式服务逻辑<BR>DS-SMF Dispersion shifted single mode fiber 色散位移单模光纤<BR>DU Dispersion-unshifted(single mode fiber)非色散位移光纤(单模光纤)<BR>DWDM Dense wavelength division multiplexing 密集波分复用器<BR></P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-9-6 20:20:02 | 显示全部楼层
E<BR>EA Electro absorption 电吸收<BR>EAM Electro absorption modulator 电吸收调制器<BR>EBL Expanding beam laser-scan 扩展束激光扫描<BR>ECC Embedded communications channel 嵌入式通信信道<BR>ECL External cavity laser 外腔激光器<BR>External cavity mode-locked semiconductor laser 外腔锁模半导体激光器<BR>ECM Echo cancellation method 回波消除法<BR>ECMLL External cavity mode-locked laser 外腔式锁模激光器<BR>ECSL Extended-cavity semiconductor laser 扩展式腔半导体激光器<BR>External cavity semiconductor laser 外腔式半导体激光器<BR>EDF Erbium-doped fiber 掺铒光纤<BR>EDFA Erbium-doped fiber amplifier 掺铒光纤放大器<BR>EDFFA Erbium-doped Fluoride fiber amplifier 掺铒氟化物光纤放大器<BR>EDFL Erbium-doped fiber laser 掺铒光纤激光器<BR>EDFLS Erbium-doped fiber laser source 掺铒光纤激光源<BR>EDFRS Erbium-doped fiber ring laser 掺铒光纤环激光器<BR>EDPA Erbium doped planar amplifier 掺铒平面放大器<BR>EDWA Erbium doped waveguide amplifier 掺铒波导放大器<BR>EE-LED Edge-emitting LED 边发射发光二极管,其光输出功率是从异质生长层之间发<BR>射出来的发光二极管。与表面发射的发光二极管相比,它通常具有较高的输出功率,<BR>与光纤和集成光路的耦合效率也较高<BR>EELS Edge-emitting laser 边发射激光器,一种边发射的发光激光器,它的发光区被限<BR>制在一边的很小部分,有限的光发射区改善了与光纤和集成光路的耦合效率<BR>EFBGL Erbium fiber Bragg grating laser 铒光纤布拉格光栅激光器<BR>EML Eroabsorption modulated laser 电吸收调制激光器<BR>EOM Electro-optical modulator 电光调制器,通常以调制信号为外加电场,改变电光晶<BR>体的双折射特性,从而达到改变光的参数的目的。电光调制和其他调制方法相比,器<BR>件结构稳固,不易失调。缺点是损耗较大,调制电压较高,调制电源功率损耗较大,<BR>调制频率与带宽很高
1 Y" O0 s2 ~  v/ w<P>EOTF Electro-optic tunable filter 电光可调谐滤波器<BR>EP Eye pattern 眼图,为评价数字传输系统的特性,把接收到的随机基带数字信号波形<BR>同步显示在示波器屏幕上。所出现的图形形状像人眼,故称为眼图。从眼图可一目了<BR>然地看出此传输系统码元间干扰的程度<BR>ER 112<BR>Ethernet 以太网<BR>F<BR>FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface 光纤分布式数据接口,一种光纤通信标准。采用<BR>单一的比特流格式而不是采用一组字节格式的光数据传信率。<BR>FE Fast Ethernet 快速以太网<BR>fiber-optic cable A data transmission medium that uses glass or plastic fibers, rather than<BR>copper wire, to carry modulated pulses of light; also called optical fiber.<BR>Fibre Channel A technology for transmitting data between computer devices at data rates<BR>from 100 to 400 MBps over optical fiber or copper. Fibre channel is optimized for<BR>connecting servers to shared storage devices and for interconnecting storage controllers and<BR>drives.<BR>FWM Four-wave mixing 四波混频<BR>G、H<BR>Gbps Gigabits per second 吉比特每秒<BR>GBps Gigabytes per second 吉位每秒<BR>GE Gigabit Ethernet 前兆以太网<BR>GHz Gigahertz (one billion hertz) 吉赫兹<BR>graded-index fiber 渐变折射率光纤<BR>GIMM Graded Index Plasec-Cladding Fiber 渐变折射率多模(光纤)<BR>I<BR>ILEC Incumbent local exchange carrier. Term used to describe the primary existing carriers,<BR>formerly known as Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs); distinguished from new<BR>competitive carriers coming out of deregulation of the telecommunications industry.<BR>IL insertion loss 插入损耗<BR>IP Internet Protocol 网际协议,TCP/IP网络体系结构中的网际层协议,用以提供无连接<BR>的数据报服务<BR>IR Intermediate reach. Distance specification for optical systems that operate effectively</P>3 u+ p/ N/ u# H* V" G$ R) d
<P>from 3 to 20 km.<BR>ISO International Organization for Standardization. 国际标准化组织<BR>ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟,简称国际电联<BR>ITU grid ITU标准指定激光波长,以193.1THz (1552.52 nm)为中心,基于100 GHz 频率<BR>间隔<BR>IXC Interexchange carrier 交换机间载波<BR>J、K、L<BR>lambda A data channel in a WDM or DWDM system assigned to a specific wavelength.<BR>Lambda and wavelength are sometimes used interchangeably.<BR>LAN Local area network 局域网,一种小范围内采用的高速,低误码的网络形式。以太<BR>网,FDDI光纤分布式数据接口和令牌网被广泛的应用在局域网技术中。并列的还有城<BR>域网MAN和广域网WAN<BR>Laser 激光<BR>LD laser diode 激光二极管<BR>LEC Local exchange carrier 市话载波<BR>Local exchange center 市内交换中心<BR>LED Light emitting diode 光二极管<BR>loss budget The amount of overall attenuation allowable in a system.<BR>LR Long reach 远距离<BR>Link restoration 链路恢复<BR>Local record 本地纪录<BR>Location register 位置寄存器<BR>M<BR>MAN Metropolitan area network 城域网,比局域网的范围宽一些,通常在一个城市范围<BR>内,连接全球网络的长途骨干部分和接入部分。<BR>material dispersion 材料色散<BR>Mbps 兆比特每秒<BR>MM fiber Multimode fiber 多模光纤<BR>modal dispersion 模式色散<BR>MPLS MultiProtocol Label Switching 多协议标签交换<BR>MTBF Mean time between failure. 平均故障间隔时间<BR>MUX See multiplexer 多路复用器</P>
) i% w! {2 A' j* }( B<P>N<BR>NAS Network attached storage. Central data storage system that is attached to the network<BR>that it serves. See also SAN.<BR>NDSF Non-dispersion-shifted fiber 非色散位移光纤,单模光纤的一种,零色散点在<BR>1310nm处。<BR>Nonlinearity 非线性,指电路,光电器件,光纤的信号中产生的不良因素。<BR>NZ-DSF Non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber. 非零色散位移光纤,单模色散位移光纤的一<BR>种,在1530~1550nm区色散不为零,即G.655单模光纤,用于1530~1550nm以外区域的<BR>信号传输,能够扩大传输带宽同时还减小光纤的非线性效应。<BR>O<BR>OA Optical amplifier 光放大器<BR>OADM Optical add/drop multiplexer 光插/分复用器<BR>OC Optical carrier 光载波,为SONET 光传输定义的一系列物理协议(如OC-1, OC-3,<BR>OC-12)<BR>optical channel spacing 光通道间隔<BR>optical fiber fiber optic cable 光纤<BR>optical link loss budget The range of optical loss over which a fiber optic link will operate<BR>and meet all specifications, expressed relative to the transmitter output power.<BR>OTDR Optical time domain reflectometer. 光时域反射计,利用反射测量技术测量光波导<BR>特性的一种仪器。<BR>P<BR>PDH Pleisiochronous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字系列<BR>photodetector An optoelectronic transducer such as a PIN photodiode or avalanche<BR>photodiode.<BR>PD photodiode 光电二极管,一种能够将光转化为电的半导体器件<BR>photon 光子,一种电磁能量子<BR>photonic 光电,一种用以描述A term used to describe communications using photons,<BR>analogous to electronic for electronic communications.<BR>physical layer 物理层,开放式系统互连参考模型的首层。全光技术例如DWDM即是工<BR>作在物理层。<BR>PMD Polarization mode dispersion 偏振模式色散<BR>POS Packet over SONET. A technology in which IP packets are mapped into SONET rames</P>. Z/ w6 v9 F1 j2 o
<P>with intervening use of an ATM layer.<BR>Protocol transparency Ability of systems to transport information without being aware of<BR>higher layer protocols. Such systems are also sometimes called protocol agnostic.<BR>PSTN Public switched telephone network 公共交换电话网,用户提供电话业务的语音传<BR>输网,其交换中心分布在较广的地理范围内,并用通信线路连接起来。交换中心之间<BR>和交换中心与交换局之间遵守通信公司自己制定的信令系统。<BR>R<BR>Rayleigh scattering The scattering of light that results from small inhomogeneities of<BR>material density or composition.<BR>refractive index 折射率<BR>regenerator A device that regenerates optical signals by converting incoming optical pulses<BR>to electrical pulses, cleaning up the electrical signal to eliminate noise, and reconverting<BR>them to optical pulses for output; also called a regenerative repeater.<BR>S<BR>SAN Storage area network. A dedicated, centrally managed, secure information nfrastructure<BR>that enables any-to-any interconnection of servers and storage systems. See also NAS.<BR>SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字系列,由欧洲标准制定的一种采用ATM和<BR>SONET在光纤上 European standard that defines a rate and format standards for<BR>transmission of optical signals over fiber using ATM and SONET. In contrast to PDH, SDH<BR>provides for a synchronous multiplexing scheme. See also PDH; SONET.<BR>short reach See SR.<BR>SM fiber Single-mode fiber 单模光纤,其纤芯很小,只能通过一个模式。<BR>SNR Signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比,用于衡量信号质量的参数<BR>SONET Synchronous Optical Network 同步光网络,由Bellcore开发的一个接口标准,广<BR>泛应用在电信中的光纤高速同步传输<BR>SR Short reach. Distance specification for optical systems that operate effectively up to 3<BR>km.<BR>step-index fiber Fiber that has a uniform index of refraction throughout the core.<BR>T<BR>T-carrier Generic designator for any of several digitally multiplexed telecommunications<BR>carrier systems. The two most common are T1, which transmits DS-1 formatted data at 1.544<BR>Mbps, and T3, which transmits DS-3 formatted data at 44.736 Mbps.<BR>TDM Time-division multiplexing 时分复用<BR>Transponder 转发器,用在DWDM系统中,能够接受信号,并且将其转换为波长信号</P>
7 I5 |- F  b, g: k0 a; }<P>以便与其他波长复用。<BR>U、W<BR>UPSR Unidirectional Path Switched Ring 单向通道交换环<BR>WAN Wide area network 广域网<BR>Waveguide 波导,一种限制和引导电磁波传输的材料介质。光纤就是波导的一个例子。<BR>WDM Wavelength division multiplexing 波分复用器</P>
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