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[薄膜书籍] 重磅外文最新Macleod书籍:Thin-Film Optical Filters Fifth Edition

发表于 2019-10-20 22:04:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
重磅外文最新书籍:Thin-Film Optical FiltersFifth Edition
7 u0 f! e$ B' b5 U: T2 h# f+ Y) k# i0 @# x) @

( X: k- i( I% s6 W2 f. sDetailed Contents2 R' Z1 S8 G7 y! [; Z7 u5 r4 \. y+ ]
Series Preface .....................................................................................................................xv
1 D8 i6 I  e( T# |, C; u; Y. KPreface to the Fifth Edition................................................................................................ xvii
7 i3 o! o7 w8 u$ `: n: F. |# jPreface to the Fourth Edition.............................................................................................. xix' \/ L5 w2 y+ G- F4 w4 W0 f# l1 N2 }
Preface to the Third Edition ............................................................................................... xxi
2 V# z0 N$ f4 y) ^% t/ I; r2 T* ZPreface to the Second Edition ........................................................................................... xxiii
: Z: ~# ^' ]. g7 m1 |Apologia to the First Edition ............................................................................................. xxv7 k$ y* N( S8 ]% ~& ]3 ?; V
Author........................................................................................................................... xxvii
( B+ M7 Z) x& }6 vSymbols and Abbreviations.............................................................................................. xxix5 N3 r$ |$ S* j- G* f' C0 W) B
1. Introduction .................................................................................................................1% K) U" x; G. U' M
1.1 Early History .........................................................................................................1
, D5 z0 n, P3 @& x/ h1.2 Thin-Film Filters.....................................................................................................4
- v1 [# @# Z4 s1 f3 u' v# f; y) d% gReferences......................................................................................................................8
* G; B; P. S: kBibliography ..................................................................................................................9
& B3 a5 F' s. A2. Basic Theory ............................................................................................................... 11
& n! \6 |! r. u2.1 Maxwell’s Equations and Plane Electromagnetic Waves ......................................... 11, B( q# I% L' M
2.1.1 Poynting Vector ........................................................................................ 16: V5 i: A, i/ `+ }
2.2 Notation .............................................................................................................. 18
* C8 q8 s! H+ Q' n2 S7 T8 P2.3 Simple Boundary.................................................................................................. 19' v, E2 i" ?/ @+ q* ^8 T1 s
2.3.1 Normal Incidence in Absorption-Free Media............................................... 21% y* \, i# J1 Q/ F! P7 w: X
2.3.2 Oblique Incidence in Absorption-Free Media .............................................. 23. [' V) b1 @3 n, C
2.3.3 Optical Admittance for Oblique Incidence .................................................. 27* Y1 D; t$ z2 f* c& l
2.3.4 Normal Incidence in Absorbing Media ....................................................... 286 P& W7 G( J1 g
2.3.5 Oblique Incidence in Absorbing Media....................................................... 33
/ g: o; D$ G5 ~. `$ B9 d2.4 Critical Angle and Beyond.................................................................................... 36
4 ?$ ~, |9 s% h( n+ o, H4 b2.5 Reflectance of a Thin Film..................................................................................... 383 C' I* g$ M3 b3 }
2.6 Reflectance of an Assembly of Thin Films .............................................................. 42! T: G/ W6 \3 V; o7 r4 e
2.7 Reflectance, Transmittance, and Absorptance ......................................................... 44
9 |5 `& J7 _* E& L3 h3 o" F3 u2.8 Units ................................................................................................................... 46
7 T; x9 K! E  p* Y/ d* Q, n2.9 Summary of Important Results ............................................................................. 47
' e0 s& }2 q: ]! E3 U3 [, N2.10 Potential Transmittance ........................................................................................ 51
/ b' j0 m4 |5 j8 N2.11 Theorem on the Transmittance of a Thin-Film Assembly ........................................ 53
0 W- J* m& {" ~  f& }4 g2.12 Coherence............................................................................................................ 542 [5 }4 R0 w9 z6 `0 q$ ~
2.13 Mixed Poynting Vector......................................................................................... 58
8 c; ^, I5 ]: e5 J, n% g2.14 Incoherent Reflection at Two or More Surfaces....................................................... 608 _! C4 L) }. c& W" R, S. N& D
References.................................................................................................................... 64
1 o5 j" B6 u- U' Q/ @* y3. Theoretical Techniques ............................................................................................... 651 }: ^# |1 d  F0 \/ s) B
3.1 Quarter- and Half-Wave Optical Thicknesses ......................................................... 654 M" E* ~. u, z6 b8 S' m6 S8 v- \
3.2 Admittance Loci................................................................................................... 66) C0 S; P- V( z5 C& R
3.2.1 Electric Field and Losses in the Admittance Diagram .................................. 70
8 q2 M5 z' A: u$ ]3.3 Vector Method ..................................................................................................... 75
/ T( m" [  D8 H0 F3 g8 C7 A3.4 Other Techniques ................................................................................................. 77
. }, V1 g; x/ j, G2 c* I7 Z3.4.1 Herpin Index ............................................................................................ 77( @% u" a1 u1 E+ a; Z9 E" B) p
3.4.2 Alternative Method of Calculation ............................................................. 78
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