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[转贴] 光学光学薄膜弱吸收测试装置参数优化薄膜弱吸收测试装置参数优化

发表于 2012-2-21 21:28:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
光学薄膜弱吸收测试装置参数优化黄祖鑫[1,2] 赵建林[1] 胡晓阳[2] 彭勇[2][1]西北工业大学理学院,陕西西安710072 [2]中国工程物理研究院应用电子学研究所,四川绵阳621900摘 要:光学薄膜对入射光的弱吸收特性是评价元件质量的重要参数。在高能激光作用下,即使十分微弱的吸收也将足以导致薄膜元件的灾难性破坏。因此,有必要对光学薄膜的平均吸收及局部吸收进行精确、快速、实时的检测。从光热偏转技术发展而来的表面热透镜法由于其对测试装置要求的放宽,并且同样拥有较高的测试精度,是测试元件薄膜弱吸收特性的有效方法之一。通过建立实验系统,测试并确定了各个装置参数在不同设置情况下弱吸收信号的稳定性及强度,从而为测试装置的固化提供了关键的布局数据,并在此实验系统上开展了初步的弱吸收测试实验。[著者文摘]
1 \9 l$ y: ~5 o. }关键词:光学薄膜 弱吸收 表面热透镜法 优化2 \6 S, S7 b: y( n. w
分类号: TN247[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-2276(2011)09-1779-05栏目信息:光电测量1 n; s* l) u) Y8 D/ h/ J2 N* M
相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   4 h+ M7 I$ s# \, z5 P1 P
Parameters optimized for optical thin film weak absorption testing set-upHuang Zuxin, Zhao Jianlin, Hu Xiaoyang, Peng Yong 1. School of Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China; 2. Institute of Applied Electronics, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, ChinaAbstract:The weak absorption characteristic of thin film is an important parameter to estimate optical quality. Especially for high-power laser, even the very weak absorption in thin film is high enough to result in catastrophic damage. Thus, it is necessary to measure the mean and local absorption of the optical thin film accurately, fast and in-situ. The surface thermal-lens technique is one of the available methods to measure the weak absorption. It developed from the optical beam deflection technique, with the relaxation for requirements of the measurement layouts and the same measurement precision. Based on a self-built experiment setup, the stability and the linear responsibility of the weaken absorption signals of the optical thin film were measured with variational parameters, which offered the key parameters for solidifying layouts. The elementary experiment of weak absorption has been tested based on the proposed system.[著者文摘]
, z. J0 P5 k/ n2 u- t) T$ NKey words:optical thin film; weak absorption; surface thermal-lens technique; optimization+ Z/ v# j/ ~; J" \; }3 i* }& g$ B

( j$ v. \# T# y8 t6 o& f0 Vhttp://115.com/file/c2m1j9bn#
/ F2 `  W( e3 P光学薄膜弱吸收测试装置参数优化.pdf
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发表于 2012-2-21 22:10:22 | 显示全部楼层
& F6 ^& @3 I/ _9 Y5 `
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