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[转贴] TiO2薄膜折射率的调控方法

发表于 2012-2-21 21:25:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
TiO2薄膜折射率的调控方法 摘 要:采用电子束蒸发技术及其辅助工艺制备了TiO2薄膜,利用X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和原子力显微镜(AFM)对薄膜的组织结构进行了表征,采用紫外可见分光光度计研究了TiO2薄膜的折射率变化.结果表明:传统电子束蒸发镀制的TiO2薄膜的折射率低于块体值,通过调节氧气压、沉积速率和衬底温度可在1.97~2.22范围内调控其折射率;采用离子束辅助轰击可使薄膜致密化,获得折射率在2.06~2.42范围内变化的TiO2薄膜;利用斜角入射沉积可控制薄膜生长角度与孔隙率,实现折射率在1.71~2.18范围内的调控.[著者文摘]8 ~: v7 w% Z4 d5 K" k4 [( {

) J4 y" T2 H% }. m7 a$ f关键词:薄膜 折射率 电子束蒸发' D* T0 b2 w% V2 k) m. t
* ]2 m6 M. _. p7 o3 r3 @
分类号: O484.41[著者标引]
( x7 U8 J  a& M3 p% S文献标识码:A* l5 Q& a1 u0 J/ S' l
文章编号:1674-2974(2011)09-0059-058 I( Y* _7 i% `8 G/ Q" K( T
栏目信息:材料科学) k. A+ ~" `. p
. v4 B( n7 f- e: N
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+ V4 s5 o+ r' q. h( s" X2 Y( \5 m

' P/ u4 W. r8 g0 hRegulation of the Refractive Index of TiO_2 FilmsZHOU Ling-ping,LUO Xiao-lan,ZHU Jia-jun,PENG Kun,LI De-yi,LI Shao-luCollege of Materials Science and Engineering,Hunan Univ,Changsha,Hunan 410082,ChinaAbstract:TiO2 films were prepared by electron beam evaporation(E-beam).X-ray diffraction(XRD),X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS) and atomic force microscope(AFM) were applied to characterize the film's structure.UV-visible spectrophotometer was used to analyze the changes of refractive index(RI).It has been found that the RI of TiO2 film prepared by E-beam is lower than that of the bulk.It can be regulated within 1.97~2.22 by controlling O2 pressure,deposition rate and substrate temperature.Compact film with RI within 2.06~2.42 is obtained by ion beam assisted deposition.Glancing angle deposition can realize the regulation of RI within 1.71~2.18 by controlling the growing angle and the porosity of films.[著者文摘]
6 W. i. p+ o' I$ a. J, H/ j2 z& w, ~+ i) r* K( L( C% P! r, t
Key words:films; refractive index; electron beam evaporation
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, _+ t# O* w8 [9 g( j- @0 z0 z0 W  kTiO2薄膜折射率的调控方法.rar
+ q- t% Y/ ]1 v% d+ G/ z& {2 E9 `1 }) N% B
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2 C. t7 l! U7 r8 A9 V8 b
发表于 2012-2-21 22:11:23 | 显示全部楼层
6 |0 r. |7 l$ e# d5 j4 Y3 p5 N1 s
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