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[转贴] 太阳模拟器中光谱修正滤光片的研制

发表于 2010-8-25 12:04:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
太阳模拟器中光谱修正滤光片的研制0 W4 f5 N3 G& O5 @+ J( m
孟嘉译 付秀华 王迪长春理工大学光电工程学院,长春130022摘 要:在太阳模拟器中,鉴于氙灯的优点及其光谱能量分布与太阳光谱的相近性,通常使用氙灯模拟太阳光谱,但由于氙灯光谱与太阳光谱分布存在差异,所以研制一种滤光片进行氙灯光谱分布的修正。考虑到滤光片工作在强光辐照条件下,所以选用的薄膜材料必须具有低的吸收和高的抗能量阈值。采用电子束和离子辅助沉积技术进行膜层的制备,选择合理的沉积方式并通过优化工艺参数使膜层表面光滑、牢固且通过抗能量测试,最终研制出的光谱修正滤光片满足使用要求。[著者文摘]
5 Q% D. H# D" g. V0 @% L) B& c/ l4 `4 ~0 I
关键词:光学薄膜 滤光片 离子辅助沉积 抗能量阈值 太阳模拟器
9 @6 Q4 T4 S# j分类号: O484[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-501X(2010)02-0050-04栏目信息:薄膜光学+ P8 ?  H# X4 o8 b2 m, _0 [& D$ \
相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   2 @* {4 {4 y/ k1 X. _* B

* E4 r$ h) E' H5 F6 _- SFabrication of Spectral Correction Filter in Solar SimulatorMENGJia-yi, FUXiu-hua, WANG Di Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China Abstract:In view of the advantages of xenon lamp and its spectral energy distribution familiar to the sun, the xenon lamp is usually used to simulate the solar spectrum in the solar simulator. Because of the spectral differences between xenon lamp and the sun, it is necessary to develop a kind of minus filter to correct the spectrum of xenon lamp. The minus filter works under the irradiation of maj or light, so the materials must have low absorption and high anti-energy threshold. We prepare the film on quartz crystal by means of electronic beam and ion-beam assisted deposition system. Reasonable deposition mode and optimal processing parameters are adopted for a smooth surface layer with high surface quality and solidity, which passes through anti-energy test. The filter finally meets the applying demand perfectly[著者文摘]; b! g/ ^/ b3 T( L0 ^3 w
/ P* e8 ]& C  V. u/ w
Key words:optical thin film; filter; ion-beam assisted deposition; anti-energy threshold; solar simulator


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