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[薄膜文献] 相位延迟器在四频激光陀螺中的应用研究

发表于 2010-8-4 06:33:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
' e" W$ i  q  q9 u3 j# E: G" @李龙 严吉中 陈林峰 杨洪友 于文东中航工业飞行自动控制研究所,陕西西安710065摘 要:介绍了典型相位延迟器1/4波片和90°相位延迟膜的工作原理,定义了四频激光陀螺输出信号解调信噪比,分析了相位延迟量对其造成的影响,并就此结果进行了MATLAB仿真。从两种相位延迟器的工作原理出发,阐述了温度、入射角、入射光波长等因素对两者相位延迟量的影响。结合激光陀螺在实际应用中的要求,对两者进行了比较,并得出结论:90°相位延迟膜更适合作为四频激光陀螺输出解调系统中的相位延迟器。[著者文摘]
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关键词:激光陀螺 相位延迟 波片 薄膜 温度
# I) ~! }$ i6 h; G分类号: V241.5[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-3392(2010)02-0084-04栏目信息:材料与器件
; y& w- T. v' w' y1 @相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   # H. V: E, `7 ~- T9 X& @

# _* H' D: b# B: C+ b1 V( w8 MApplication of Phase Retarder in Multioscillator RLGLI Long YAN Ji-zhong CHEN Lin-feng AVIC Flight Automatic Control Research YANG Hong-you YU Wen-dong Institute, Xi'an 710065, China Abstract:Both the operation theory of 1/4 waveplate and 90°thin-film phase retarder, two kinds of typical phase retarder, are presented in this paper. The SNR of muitioscillator RLG is defined, and the influence of phase retardation on SNR of multioscillator RLG is analyzed. What's more, the corresponding MATLAB simulation is done as well. Based on their oper ation theories, the influence of temeperature, angle of incident, wavelength, etc. on the both phase retardation are presented. Considering the practical requirement for RLG in engineering, a comparison between 1/4 waveplate and 90° thin-film phase retarder is made. And it finally comes to a conclusion that the latter is more adaptive as the phase retarder in the de modulation system of muhioscillator RLG.[著者文摘]3 y' o/ b1 g5 P7 T

; k+ ]' n: a' y" q. RKey words:ring laser gyro; phase retardation; waveplate; thin film; temperature


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