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science magazine(科学杂志)1880-2008下载

发表于 2010-5-8 07:51:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
science magazine(科学杂志)1880-2008下载
1 e( ~8 M/ y9 {, N; `原文:http://hi.baidu.com/skubuntu/blog/item/c19a4412436bdc1cb8127b4f.html9 G' C" G" c6 x2 b
: 科学杂志3 Y) @- E5 }/ i# y6 s
: Science Magazine
! i8 _5 ~. r/ M0 a8 n资源格式
2 \2 C6 A( W$ c1 B) l3 j+ S. l版本
: 1880-2008 已整理完
) X5 R) E' {8 [0 h" {2 h发行时间
: 2010年
9 W: c: I7 {# D7 N" g4 Q地区
: 美国) ~. D; p  A' C
: 英文4 }6 m, @! A$ N* B; u
. Z( |7 j* X$ K语言:英语
+ o2 ?2 o6 F2 h0 S. L( g网址:http://www.sciencemag.org, Q7 d- J# }. A  p
类别:杂志期刊' l6 [3 {- r' L
《科学》是发表最好的原始研究论文、以及综述和分析当前研究和科学政策的同行评议的期刊。8 B( |8 J! j+ B% Q# B2 h; _" v1 V5 J
该杂志于1880年由爱迪生投资1万美元创办,于1894年成为美国最大的科学团体“美国科学促进会”——American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)的官方刊物。全年共51期,为周刊,全球发行量超过150万份。 0 ?2 s( M4 E# L( _! m: X
多数科技期刊都要向读者收取审稿、评论、发表的相关费用。但《科学》杂志发表来稿是免费的。其杂志的资金来源共有三部分:AAAS的会员费;印刷版和在线版的订阅费;广告费。 4 E# Z1 a- H- {; n
; ?2 E2 m0 V. p2 @5 S在全球,《科学》杂志的主要对手为英国伦敦的《自然》杂志,该杂志创办于1869年,曾发表了大量的达尔文、赫胥黎等大师的文章。21世纪的 前4年中,二者为率先发表人类基因排列的图谱而激烈竞争。
2 O6 r7 Q9 z, T/ W4 Z# W8 K- P《科学》杂志的主编唐纳德·科尼迪毕业于哈佛大学,博士学位,为斯坦福大学第八任校长,着名的环境科学教授。
- v1 Y" |# }* `* z' T$ _& f! b3 ZScience is the academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is considered one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals. The journal is peer-reviewed, is published weekly, and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership is one million people.1 E. v& x" m) [6 U# v2 l" [
The major focus of the journal is publishing important original scientific research and research reviews, but Science also publishes science-related news, opinions on science policy and other matters of interest to scientists and others who are concerned with the wide implications of science and technology. Although most scientific journals focus on a specific field, Science and its rival Nature cover the full range of scientific disciplines. Science places special emphasis on biology and the life sciences because of the expansion of biotechnology and genetics over the past few decades. Science's impact factor for 2006 was 30.028 (as measured by Thomson ISI).
/ S. o* G, N) j  ^% M! \Although it is the journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, membership in the AAAS is not required to publish in Science. Papers are accepted from authors around the world. Competition to publish in Science is very intense, as an article published in such a highly-cited journal can lead to attention and career advancement for the authors. Fewer than 10% of articles submitted to the editors are accepted for publication and all research articles are subject to peer review before they appear in the magazine.
+ `; R7 P2 t( ^4 K- [* PScience is based in Washington, D.C., USA, with a second office in Cambridge, England.
) z! X! ?! f- l* Q发布说明
) c1 x% b" }( B( I此包包含1880-2008出版的杂志。但缺少2003全年以及2004年上半年。请各位朋友一起帮忙搜索,收集。+ u. Q5 }% ~3 a* }( |" S4 F
特别说明:请不要使用迅雷下载该文件,国外bt需要使用utorrent,在速度上绝对不输于迅雷:) t1 l2 X, w; C7 I: ~
utorrent下载,下载解压后即可运行。8 {( V3 [5 U; _: k$ q( f
发表于 2010-8-4 00:09:01 | 显示全部楼层
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