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2009 China Solar Grade Wafer or Ingot Industry Chain Research Report

发表于 2009-7-27 02:44:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2009 China Solar Grade Wafer or Ingot Industry Chain Research Report
. q, X$ z5 ?3 {* c; j/ sNo: 168report China Professional Research Report Platform Recommend to friend : N& s/ p7 ~3 G
【Report Title】:2009 China Solar Grade Wafer or Ingot Industry Chain Research Report 3 V9 X- p! N5 }3 q
【Date】:Jul 2009 ) Z$ G) o! k/ \
【Delivery】:PDF Version
) j; m: m9 H1 U4 S3 |* {【Source】:168report     http://www.168report.cn/en/Product_Detail_P_ID_40000085.html
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PDF copy price: USD 2500
- z0 u; }: G6 K4 N- Z& i8 aBoth (hard+PDF) copy price: USD 3000 & w+ Y5 g+ ~6 u  d7 j
Pages: 371 2 Z; C+ U0 n' A
Tables and figures: 250
) Q* g) t1 d1 c: f8 o' x# CPublished date: Jul 17, 2009
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Report Details9 c4 h8 v  c0 h: h1 r, B) v, W, Z
& x  K5 F4 E& P7 x! H
- d3 k* x9 b+ q8 j《2009 China Solar Grade Wafer or Ingot Industry Chain Research Report》 was a depth research report in China solar wafer industry chain, through deep research on China solar wafer manufacturers, Research team got detail information as following:) P4 i  T4 L2 _, s$ B

+ }4 j) ]5 t  x
( j0 `7 n1 \: y" H5 P! p5 _& W5 a8 l$ j

, `2 X9 z2 \$ Z1 [: g
4 i+ D* l9 T6 ]: G9 S# K+ h( k, h) v
( D5 `1 {1 i2 J& u0 l2 e
! e$ |; P. v; {# T" W$ E& V
Up Stream: Polysilicon Sources DSS Furnace Puller SiC PEG Wire etc Source and purchase Price
( _  q0 q! H# a5 VSuppliers information, Cutting Equipments(wire saw Squarer)related information and
8 x4 N& [9 i2 e% t  z. k- Z% ?relationship with Wafer Manufactureres;
& r. _3 z3 ?8 {, |( D" K+ E1 A$ ~/ @7 [# k( n5 }' \& y7 g! y6 y" \% u
Ingot or Wafer: Ingot Wafer Manufacturers Production Capacity Shipment ASP Revenue Cost Profit Profit Margin Expanding Plan Product Specification(different sizes thickness technology type) equipments sources and quantity,raw materials sources and partner,downstream customers etc;
* D- J0 ]* K5 p
) o4 C5 y0 o* \7 H1 i& o- QDown Stream: solar wafer demand,long term wafer contracts,supply and demand relationship,sales region and customers etc: O/ u" F/ {2 t% R- v- _
5 p7 s" K2 N" \' i' i2 ?
Besides deep research of the whole ingot or wafer industry chain, Research term also listed their 4 h! q; w9 X0 [9 E, u" E
industry development trend and investment return analysis of ingot wafer new projects. In a word,  
; x; v4 i- V/ Uit was a deep research report on china solar wafer industry chain and it was a good report for ) A. B/ l, K* b
marketing or investment.
# R! d/ p- h. H0 I% j! C; `# c# @3 k" R* r! U$ m: I
Table of Content:
1 \: p7 Q5 n' U. Y
$ `% ?, Z) m( P  x! g7 R! l7 CChapter One Introduction 1
/ L) h, E( J8 k$ P) I  U1.1 Purpose and Scope 1
" N& |* ^% W6 `% O3 a1.2 Methodology 2
* M, |' t4 Y+ @. w9 q% _: ~; P7 R" t5 `; @" L4 m  r
Chapter Two Solar Grade Wafer Industry Executive Summary 5
, _  V) e* b0 x( c5 J- z6 z+ v+ e2.1 2008 and 2009 Wafer or Ingot Industry Overview 5; A: n. J, @# n* C+ w
2.2 Wafer/Ingot Manufacturer Shipments 6* C, V# F: d7 F3 i5 d
2.2.1 Regional Shipments 6
+ L+ K# R. x+ @7 Q0 o) u5 {) M2.2.2 Shipments by Manufacturers 7. [) N2 [8 M- W% i
2.2.3 Shipments by Technology (Mono and Multi-crystalline Wafer) 11
0 o* b6 Y; q0 N3 U  `" J2.2.4 Shipments by Size (6inch 8inch etc) 14
  ?) R) V( T: b0 u7 V( h/ x/ I2.2.5 Shipments by Thickness (200um 220um etc) 15
0 m1 j3 h$ k5 a2.3 Revenues 16
+ p) V. j8 p. l9 r2.4 Average Wafer Price(ASP) 178 H% T8 l7 m# m% U4 v
2.5 Manufacturing Capacity 17
$ ]7 ?9 U$ ]7 W7 F! f) }7 f) m! [& ]1 R4 a, d" w; H
Chapter Three Shipment and Revenue 2007-2013 19, d) q4 j$ q$ _7 ~" E
3.1 Shipment and Revenue by Region 19
* _; k& e& s' U- Y1 C0 F7 o2 B. m1 t3.2 Shipment and Revenue by Manufacturer 21( u4 R+ ?& b7 k, F: R" V9 U) l# M
3.3 Shipment and Revenue by Technology 22
( X$ E) D3 u3 V; i: ~+ q3.4 Shipment and Revenue by Worldwide and China 23
# E' j" T0 H. I3.5 Market Outlook 2009-2013 249 J# v- e8 t) o+ k
  d, N  Y" z  }5 W
Chapter Four Wafer Selling Price 25( L/ [3 l/ R3 ~* v- l' o" _# t+ }/ T1 S
4.1 History and Development Trend of Wafer Pricing 25
, A: X5 G/ S7 H0 ^, [4.2 Long Term Contract Selling Price 26! _( F& x, I3 Q+ r' X/ T1 N* u# q
4.3 Downstream Demand and Wafer Shortage 26/ U3 A+ N) n; N$ {" S
4.4 Future Pricing Trend 2009-2013 27
4 }! B( e2 _7 [  m2 T
3 T$ O) A7 X8 s3 G1 Q8 |Chapter Five Manufacturing Capacity and Utilization 29
7 T8 b  j6 Q0 v5.1 China Total Wafer Capacity and Utilization 29, ?. q2 Q) |+ p  N9 S/ D
5.2 Capacity and Utilization by Technology 29+ ]: \5 c1 H) Y% B2 Q
5.3 Capacity and Utilization by Manufacturer 30" F+ @5 p+ @! W6 ]- P! A

3 G% [0 Z% K& ^4 s9 v, l  f7 JChapter Six Equipments and Raw Materials (Polysilicon) 31
( _% L2 T2 S: ~% `% X) H3 Q; G8 k" {6.1 Equipments (Pullers,DSS Furnaces, Squarers,Wire Saws) 316 l! d+ l7 J4 F0 F1 w
6.1.1 DSS Furnace 32
2 s! F8 x; o2 U, o+ n6.1.2 Puller 37# N: i% z# P/ I
6.1.3 Wire Saw 49
: S. n* R; {6 ^) f6.2 Raw Materials (Polysilicon) 54+ {+ s' r5 d  }+ Y! [- r* b
3 q5 o9 l6 k) q' i
Chapter Seven Solar Wafer Key Manufacturers 56
6 u) _/ D/ @( q9 X) T* K! U7.1 Jiangxi LDK Solar(LDK Multi Mono Ingot Wafer) 569 A/ F5 @6 v( [0 Y
7.1.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 562 Z( A" t2 `. j% S7 y( G
7.1.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 63) t' K: L' R. P. ~, `
7.1.3 Equipments and Capacity 66
# X: o$ N  B" i9 M' D1 }# n7.1.4 Upstream Raw Materials (Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 69
( \& N- M$ \4 N+ m7.1.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 76
2 @8 \' o) E9 g( `# c6 o- G/ R" q3 E7.2 Ningjin Jinglong Group(Mono Ingot Wafer) 79
3 S6 |) c4 s8 J+ G6 y4 o7.2.1 Basic Information(Profile Products Contact Information etc) 80
  z1 S6 Z: L( K# \7.2.2 Shipment and Revenue of Wafer or Ingot 848 U7 |7 x& Z% Q! f; X; {4 [2 G
7.2.3 Equipments and Capacity 85, `1 d# Q% V9 u( _% X5 O& H
7.2.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 86
7 V; c) f0 I0 A- E% \7 K7.2.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 87( W* k  W4 `. J6 n# B7 Y3 ?
7.3 Baoding Yingli Solar (YGE)(Multi Ingot Wafer) 87
: |/ T* [. h! c( J- w7.3.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 87) {1 _$ ]( X3 d! y1 M9 d
7.3.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 94% P2 r+ Z$ G# `' o! G* j3 ^
7.3.3 Equipments and Capacity 977 G9 @1 ^4 r, v' g+ X, n0 U
7.3.4 Upstream Raw Materials (Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 100
0 P# u0 K2 }! K9 V6 x7.3.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 105
8 e# [0 Q% [9 ~2 m7 ~1 w7.4 Zhejiang Renesola (SOLA)(Mono Multi Ingot Wafer) 109
! b2 P7 ]5 N+ R/ B- \; r7.4.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 110
5 E9 E( i+ ^5 x; v7.4.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 114
! F- O+ o% y, t7.4.3 Equipments and Capacity 116
: H% ?! c. ?8 |7.4.4 Upstream Raw Materials (Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 119
- L0 S4 ]# W+ T1 W8 Z7.4.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 124
" p6 Y+ O- {( n6 g8 d7.5 Changzhou Trina Solar (TSL)(Mono Mutli Ingot Wafer) 126
8 _' B% ?0 x1 |2 g( E4 x$ A7.5.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 127
2 P0 T$ @/ D* h- i0 m7.5.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 133
% M4 f7 T! F& l9 a: A' s& j7.5.3 Equipments and Capacity 137
) F5 e2 U- T/ q8 `, i* F7.5.4 Upstream Raw Materials (Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 139
# S) y7 v& H* e/ n8 x+ S4 X: B7.5.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 1440 c) X$ S7 s4 c/ H6 D3 U
7.6 Jiangyin Hairun(Mono Mutli Ingot Wafer) 146
5 ~+ K% W3 \8 Z0 ^. H+ Y7.6.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 153& y+ r4 Z, J8 Z( G
7.6.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 1542 c6 s: K* h/ ?6 n; k
7.6.3 Equipments and Capacity 154
6 z% G9 X4 e8 t' L8 G  P6 @6 w7.6.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 155
# ]  x( i& l" A' H7.6.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 156) D+ o/ k8 s4 v. ]9 D2 j
7.7 Jiangsu Shunda Solar(Mono Ingot Wafer) 156
- W) u. E: E2 k& l7.7.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 156
, ]0 I' Q9 x5 G7.7.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 157* C6 ?9 e& @6 p) K  V: f! I4 i
7.7.3 Equipments and Capacity 158( k* h) K: I. F
7.7.4 Upstream Raw Materials (Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 1594 z/ `/ I2 a, f. U$ ?5 n
7.7.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 1599 e, J' d. U, \: a  e7 H
7.8 Jinzhou Yangguang Energy(Mono Ingot Wafer) 160* ?# i% S8 k7 {2 V: s3 x  p, t: v( `
7.8.1 Basic Information(Profile Products Contact Information etc) 160
- D( I; s, D  V: v7.8.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 1617 x. r( X9 V; V. C9 B
7.8.3 Equipments and Capacity 1617 m+ t- n7 t4 j+ r  Z- |0 l
7.8.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 1628 X) C7 v  K$ }5 y# A! m
7.8.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 162: I8 g& w( g0 g4 _0 w9 L0 ^' n
7.9 Zhenjiang Huantai(Mono Mutli Ingot Wafer) 162
! K% S, ~0 a0 t& n$ x( j7.9.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 163. f# e6 v- |* i; d  ^
7.9.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 163  @: E3 j9 x& v; F, J
7.9.3 Equipments and Capacity 164
7 ~( F; c; o, Q8 a7 h& w) A7.9.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 165
, I" u5 }3 Q7 e. c! }9 F" R5 t( C: O7.9.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 166
$ b/ @* B& N# Q# T9 g! x7.10 Xinjiang Sunoasis(Mono Ingot Wafer) 166
$ g% r4 Y  N. y8 m3 i7.10.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 166
6 t6 d) l1 G, p0 A7.10.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 169
* b( S( c, B5 g5 W  I4 k4 I) `7.10.3 Equipments and Capacity 172
8 b- P- J9 N  ~3 Y* I* }" T0 P" X7.10.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 173
. n+ N! i/ J6 a! }# z5 R7.10.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 173
; M9 f& k: ^( C3 v9 w% d7.11 Jinzhou Youhua New Energy(Taiwan Waferworks) (Mono Ingot Wafer) 173
2 k% o5 L/ C- T: d7.11.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 174
+ H) l2 h0 r1 G! W, V7.11.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 179
% F9 w' d, M1 w8 m, C# w  c3 |7.11.3 Equipments and Capacity 1808 n8 ?  Z- I! t3 a) V: S
7.11.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 187
, K1 J8 S9 D9 E+ p0 X7.11.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 187
& Y% f- V+ t) M2 W7.12 Jinzhou Huari Silicon(Mono Ingot Wafer) 187
9 h  J7 f. M2 b, s+ b7.12.1 Basic Information(Profile Products Contact Information etc) 188
2 `  z' h: l0 t" o. w7.12.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 188
! p. o- D! D4 N$ u7.12.3 Equipments and Capacity 189
- z) C- e1 |. E& x0 @1 s7.12.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 189
! D- ^2 H; ?, x) l7 |; T* Z$ F- ]7.12.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 189
) h& g9 K$ b: C, U+ _& T7.13 Ningbo SIPV(Zhongyi Solar) (Mutli Ingot Wafer) 1908 b* u" E0 I, f( v( j- g
7.13.1 Basic Information(Profile Products Contact Information etc) 190
4 t  h8 b/ s8 ~9 h$ z4 Z7.13.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 191
/ n( D3 _" p: @2 e6 d8 O7.13.3 Equipments and Capacity 1914 t7 q. o+ V6 p2 [
7.13.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 193
$ X2 c3 T+ j# W; i& X" K4 K7.13.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 193
* M8 e/ E9 w: b# z7.14 Jinggong P-D Shaoxing Solar(Mutli Ingot Wafer) 194
) s1 }; s- L- j' K, S( T7.14.1 Basic Information(Profile Products Contact Information etc) 194- O9 ]5 L7 l9 x/ F8 v
7.14.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 195
1 a# m9 i: ^4 ?' J6 m7.14.3 Equipments and Capacity 195; J& j3 g% R% \5 S4 \4 O
7.14.4 Upstream Raw Materials (Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 201
! k* s) s) D' z  |" Z4 x% d7.14.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 201
9 s8 Z7 i8 K0 J7.15 Jinzhou Huachang Silicon(Mono Ingot Wafer) 201" s( y. ?- M. h% y: l
7.15.1 Basic Information (Profile Products Contact Information etc) 201
! q' t: n8 q: ?% }2 x9 H7.15.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 202
) P! H" f' j" F7.15.3 Equipments and Capacity 202  E* m8 ^9 f$ `. O$ x+ W
7.15.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 203
9 S. U4 m2 s- t! U+ Y7.15.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 203, v' W4 G2 |, F$ g0 |
7.16 Jinzhou Xinri Silicon(Mono Ingot Wafer) 203
+ D: I3 C7 }3 j6 e7.16.1 Basic Information(Profile Products Contact Information etc) 203
  h2 A3 H8 Y/ }( i  J  _7 Q, [7.16.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 205
; q9 o+ Q; |+ |; Q* c/ i+ y5 C7.16.3 Equipments and Capacity 2056 {" {0 j$ _  }- _! w( [
7.16.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 206) u8 F8 s' [$ ?( i, D
7.16.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 206; Y8 I4 P0 g5 b
7.17 Wuxi Konca Solar(Mono Mutli Ingot Wafer) 206
- ^* K4 l3 |0 \7.17.1 Basic Information(Profile Products Contact Information etc) 206- o, y) D0 P7 U3 C
7.17.2 Shipments and Revenues of Wafer or Ingot 207: s. ~4 `9 T! P; k8 b5 y
7.17.3 Equipments and Capacity 207  U/ K6 [3 N! o3 c. T1 t+ ~
7.17.4 Upstream Raw Materials(Polysilicon) Vendors Relationship 210
( n+ O, B) P- H8 u7 e+ Y( p7.17.5 Downstream Clients Relationship 210) c7 D5 u, t* A! @& W
7.18 Glory Silicon Energy(Zhenjiang) (Mono Mutli Ingot Wafer) 2105 M( m; K& b+ u$ f( m
7.19 Longi-Silicon(Mono Ingot Wafer) 2133 X# C2 c0 n0 W9 b$ m
7.20 Shanghai Comtec Solar(Mono Ingot Wafer) 225
8 J0 {4 h6 \, v1 Y9 j$ v+ y7.21 Changzhou EGING(Mono Ingot Wafer) 230
" {2 Q5 `3 H1 w7 S6 v" g, E7.22 Other Solar Wafer Manufacturers 235
' {  ~& J9 o0 E* y" J- L7.22.1 Jiaxing ADVANSIL(Mono Ingot Wafer) 2358 v7 `1 V; U- N( h% o- p
7.22.2 Emei semiconductor(Mono Ingot Wafer) 2386 C7 N; X, H  {% |. ~. |! e. s
7.22.3 XI’AN LIJING ELECTRONIC(Mono Ingot Wafer) 238
  \& G; L" o' ~* @, o7.22.4 LUO YANG Mono-Crystal(Mono Ingot Wafer) 239- S. G+ H- P5 c& n- v
7.22.5 Zhenjiang Dacheng Silicon(Mono Ingot Wafer) 240
8 M& W. Y  G; G$ }7.22.6 Jiangxi Jingke(Mono Mutli Ingot Wafer) 242
7 I- W3 j' N  W( A2 w1 a7.22.7 LeadMerit(Wuxi) (Mono Ingot Wafer) 245
9 u5 w9 l: A* b7 K+ I4 b
7 Y4 s" c; O# o- p: L* ]Chapter Eight Raw Materials and Equipment 250
6 J$ k5 e5 G( M2 M( U# s8 N8.1 DSS Furnace 250
7 h2 E0 F" I0 X7 H8 R8.1.1 GT Solar(USA) 2518 L9 G# f: q6 i& u8 r
8.1.2 ALD(Germany) 252
9 @1 x: W6 y9 M" K# Q! C8.1.3 JGSolar(Shaoxing) 255) U  [8 H6 C! [" |7 ^6 C: {
8.1.4 Jingyuntong(Beijing) 258
8 d# S% e; V0 z- T4 U8.1.5 Others 260
. D0 L$ D4 E; ]5 u
+ z0 p; ]2 y" i, C, U( v8.2 Puller 2682 F& b+ [% e3 J3 }! T( c
8.2.1 XACGT(Xian) 270
$ H& e3 F) x' H/ R- Z- A& s8.2.2 Jingyuntong(Beijing) 272
" z& V( T2 l4 ?8.2.3 Huasheng Tianlong(Jiangsu) 2740 l9 p$ ]7 l5 z, N6 S* c
8.2.4 Jingyi(Beijing) 277  c8 M& g4 m% }7 _
8.2.5 Ningjin Sun-Semi(Jinglong Group) 278  d( V/ U! B* s- F
8.2.6 Huade(PVATEPLA) 280
5 @7 f- P0 A2 s: }8 t) u4 j8.2.7 Shanghai Hanhong 281
0 i  T: W0 B: K/ F8.2.8 Xian Lijing 282% m) L( H3 y! v# P
8.2.9 Kayexzju(Hangzhou) 283
# G! j& |- @# w8.2.10 CS48(Changsha) 284# V  w5 t' j, l3 F2 C
8.2.11 Others 285& t) Q2 I; W5 N

; ]! }8 V) R" _% _! {8.3 Cutting Equipments 287
6 |' U% Y& W& _% r8.3.1 Meyer Burger(Switzerland) 2877 f9 U* p! X2 m# S1 F
8.3.2 HCT(Switzerland) 290' @) k/ J' W6 V/ g" \" o- {' Q
8.3.3 NTC(Japan) 293% j: z- p/ x. F& [& p
8.3.4 Others 295& |8 O* k, R6 n
+ _" j2 h! S8 _
8.4 Solar Grade Polysilicon 296
1 G2 q; [; _8 S8 N  c, r8.4.1 Germany Wacker 298, i6 p2 i& }- j: ]' S! N
8.4.2 Japan Tokuyama 300
! j  k8 A' f" U" w, d9 \8.4.3 Korea DCC(OCI) 3037 `7 m+ S' {. n+ \3 n
8.4.4 USA Hemlock 304) s- M0 Q2 Y) G3 E4 D% W* y
8.4.5 Emei Semiconductor(Sichuan) 305+ m% B& R. _$ ?5 F4 h' c+ j0 @
8.4.6 SINO-SI(Luoyang) 3073 `# {/ d- y$ O! w2 N/ G
8.4.7 Xinguang Silicon(Sichuan) 3081 U; P) G) ^. O! w- d7 @7 A
8.4.8 GCL-Silicon(Jiangsu) 310" q4 W$ _) C! h- |
8.4.9 Zhongcai(Wuxi) 311
, E; R6 C$ T* d0 |( \8.4.10 Zhongyue(Luoyang) 3120 B1 b2 ]7 L5 f# N* I
8.4.11 Zhongsheng(Henan) 315; H2 l) v3 u- s0 i/ A( ~
8.4.12 Daqo Solar(Chongqing) 316
9 o- B( f4 u! `% E5 S  z- {8.4.13 Yongxiang Silicon(Sichuan) 317
; @& l1 y4 U2 E4 F( C8.4.14 Shunda Silicon(Jiangsu) 318) H9 M1 k" b1 A; ]% v& e9 g5 K
8.4.15 Asia Silicon(Qinghai) 319- u# V/ U, _# [) `" E
8.4.16 LDK(Jiangxi) 320
; w! Y( Q: \5 n8.4.17 GSM Solar(Jiangxi) 3214 ?% H" ~; G. e8 o
8.4.18 Yongwang Silicon(Sichuan) 323
+ ]* Y4 a# w) E. g- `8.4.19 Tehua(Jiangsu) 323
; y0 p/ n  M" ]% j6 C9 Y8.4.20 Others 324% Y7 i4 e0 @$ B; M( J8 C
0 S- \5 m  f8 h
8.5 SiC 326
# Z. R: o: u- g6 F. w8.5.1 YICHENG(Henan) 326
6 x: k; Q- }. y) d8 ~9 V; x8.5.2 XDXM(Henan) 3286 X$ g  z4 v, a. b/ [  b
8.5.3 Tianjin Nanxing(Beijing) 3295 k* G: O0 x. q& _# V, Y, V
8.5.4 Weifang Liuhe(Shandong) 3294 @9 R+ Q4 O$ h& u& Q7 x
8.5.5 Tonghua Hongxin Yanmo 330
# V) ~; R4 ]+ X& E# |  d% V% Y1 }8.5.6 Zhuhai OMEC 331
) e3 @+ K6 P% d( P9 t, X0 c0 G8.5.7 Henan Xingshi 3313 M+ W3 P' Z) o9 A3 O* H  a; b
8.5.8 Tianjin Mingxiang 332
2 u& K: w6 ]' K7 O7 ]. {8.5.9 Others 3333 k- z1 I6 z( h  e" }

/ g  ^- t9 k- [- z8 W4 V, f9 x8.6 PEG 335
5 R1 o/ O8 u- m3 u8.6.1 OXIRANCHEM(Liaoning) 335$ W4 J& A: t8 d5 }
8.6.2 Jiayu Solar(Wuxi) 336
2 _5 I' ?2 w+ j$ Z8.6.3 Kelong Chem(Liaoning) 3382 B/ @, ^; W# ^& n3 {3 P4 [
8.6.4 Others 339$ A; v5 S6 q1 s- }, Y) t
; \1 ?) ]2 I( S; O
8.7 Wire 340+ ^6 w+ T6 y2 U  h
8.7.1 Bekaert(Jiangyin) 341: a" N% h: ^& p9 A! @
8.7.2 Nankoab(Tianjin Nanxing) 342
% l! B4 Y! l  M0 }5 i8.7.3 Others 342
% K% c5 i: {  E- X/ @
+ ?$ O: c* Y5 w4 Y3 K# L, r2 ]& q. ?3 L8.8 Other Raw Materials(Quartz Crucible Hot Zone Slurry Recycling etc) 342. P- }# X8 H+ q! c; S

$ ]; F: s$ C# Q1 I0 CChapter Nine Processing Cost and Investment Analysis 344
8 `8 y, G2 Y0 j- d9.1 Polysiliocn ASP Analysis 344
2 a) j4 U) R6 O+ v9.2 Multi Ingot Processing Cost Analysis 345
+ n- A: [5 k1 b* C7 k# [2 W9.3 Mono Ingot Processing Cost Analysis 3469 M: `$ G! }7 n" u% U/ C) X
9.4 Multi Wafer Cutting Processing Cost Analysis 349* m' I2 `5 _3 o% j8 X5 D6 n( R
9.5 Mono Wafer Cutting Processing Cost Analysis 350) i9 o* y/ ~# K& a/ X  x$ |
9.6 Multi Crystalline Wafer Total Cost Analysis 353* H* H* F; H2 _: ~0 t
9.7 Mono Crystalline Wafer Total Cost Analysis 353- K" r% C# c: n5 {/ I
9.8 Multi Crystalline Wafer Project Investment Return Analysis 3536 x' P* o8 E- M- a0 Y0 n
9.9 Mono Crystalline Wafer Project Investment Return Analysis 354
( l9 {# Q+ i! J$ E0 c$ Y) b4 n! O# G  f$ i, ^
Chapter Research Conclusions 3540 W1 b3 [4 `8 G, I( r- a( s

, ?9 W. u2 T' f2 B" a% a, j$ @7 c; [9 W: r
Tables and Figures:
, B/ K7 h: U, f+ Z, i4 E$ {6 h; M" U$ x0 A+ Y- m" B
Figure Solar Multi Crystalline Ingot or Wafer Industry Chain Structure 1: R, ?! ]; ]2 @* o+ l3 l3 j
Figure Solar Mono Crystalline Ingot or Wafer Industry Chain Structure 2
- E0 c. k4 H. o$ f+ h7 P3 i) nFigure 2008 Hebei Jiangsu Jiangxi etc 8 Provinces Solar Wafer Shipments (MW) 6
9 E/ D4 \' ~* m) q3 Z+ VTable 2007-2013 Jiangsu Jiangxi Hebei Zhejiang Liaoning etc Solar Wafer Shipment (MW) 6
1 ]  W% Z7 t2 L......................
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