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[转贴] 基于遗传算法的减反射膜的优化设计

发表于 2008-12-27 12:35:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& `- {& e( P2 a$ C+ _吴素勇 龙兴武国防科技大学光电科学与工程学院光电工程系,湖南长沙410073摘 要:为了研究膜系设计领域内的全局性优化方法,提出了基于遗传算法的膜系设计方法。编制了用遗传算法进行膜系设计的通用程序,并在各种类型的减反射膜设计中取得了成功。结果表明:基于遗传算法得到的减反射膜具有与近期发表的膜系结果相一致或更好的光谱性能和全局性。同时在应用遗传算法进行膜系设计时,不需要给定初始膜系,可以设定膜层厚度边界和膜层数,这对于设计和镀制有现实意义的光学薄膜极为有利,并且只要改变目标反射率就能推广到其他膜系的设计中,具有良好的可移植性。[著者文摘]. T% Z! i4 p: u" U6 Q1 K6 U

5 T/ P* h# b: [, W: C2 O) o6 T关键词:薄膜 膜系设计 遗传算法 减反射膜* v: T2 L* L8 Z
分类号: TN305.8 O484.4[著者标引]文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-2082(2008)04-0542-06栏目信息:光学设计
* q$ k/ q  Z3 {相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   
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Optimal design of antireflective films based on genetic algorithmsWU Su-yong, LONG Xing-wu Department of Optoelectronic Engineering, College of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, ChinaAbstract:A film design method based on genetic algorithms was proposed and the genetic algorithms for the design of film system were programmed in order to research the global optimization methods of the optical film system design. It was applied to the optimal design of various kinds of antireflective films. The results show that the antireflective films obtained by genetic algorithms are better than or equal to those published previously in spectral characteristics and overall performance. The optimal coating design with genetic algorithms can set the thickness limit and the number of layers without providing any initial film system. All the features are very favorable in both design and deposition of films. Furthermore, the method can be easily applied to the design of other optical coatings by changing the target reflectance values.[著者文摘]1 o$ D0 N7 |' ?  F1 d, W

" s; Q0 Y5 ~9 ]5 ^/ N- zKey words:thin film; design of film system; genetic algorithm; antireflection coating


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