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发表于 2007-12-14 22:06:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
爱斯福电讯设备(深圳)有限公司% C  @0 N  V* X% ~  A% n
http://pe.baidajob.com/webbuild- ... p?co_usename=exfosz+ k. s, r) y# n; B+ }* d
EXFO is a recognized test and measurement expert in the global telecommunications industry. The Telecom Division, which represents our main business activity, offers fully integrated and complete test solutions to network service providers (NSPs), cable TV operators, telecom system vendors and component manufacturers in approximately 70 countries.
  b6 v; ~. h$ _5 t9 v7 B$ n) aWe are the global market leader for portable optical test solutions and a leading supplier of protocol and copper access test solutions to enable triple-play services over converged, IP networks.
- k; y& O) o" B- h( K% TEXFO's mission is to be a world leader in telecommunications test and measurement equipment. This goal will be achieved through the pursuit of excellence and the full commitment of all our employees to exceed customer expectations with market-driven innovation setting the highest standards.
$ E. [  ~5 F) K9 A+ T' lIf you have what it takes to be the best, then now you to can join our winning team as we are opening a new manufacturing center in the Bao An District of Shenzhen.
% T, H) v* m1 t+ K) ], d/ d, f' E
Many positions are still open including,- G0 v, k8 A! U6 u  Q9 a* M
Production Engineering Manager4 B3 J" c: B  m8 B4 L" E% O
Senior Product Engineer
' ]6 d5 u* x' X5 S: p- P( E, w$ tSenior Fiber Optical Engineer
+ D5 M  k2 X; PProcess Engineer5 q* u5 A7 a( U2 Z1 x; B# J
! y' t5 n, X3 G' `: }
If you are interested in this positions and meet the qualification, please send your English or Chinese resumes to us within one week.) s2 [7 M  {- f6 E4 B1 g
Visit us at our web.- A2 |! n' w, H% ^1 e
工程经理,高级产品技术支持工程师! o- r3 R9 Q5 Q# b2 `& n
    工作方式:    全 职  
# E7 ^. c' C- R8 R) k- G* p0 r- |工作地区:    宝安区      招聘对象:    社会人才 ; c8 v. x. J: W. r9 X  I+ r2 J
人数/性别:    5 人 / 不限     学历要求:    不 限   g- f2 ]1 q, q) G* Q
提供月薪:    面议  $ `8 y+ Y! @7 l! [
: {) e: D! k7 |7 x, |, L$ J职位要求:    具备深厚的电子应用技术和知识;英文优秀;有光纤知识优
' b% j3 R: Z" d. ]. t% Q' a先。Good communication skills in both written and spoke
* R( d8 w  c/ g% `) y( V  Ffor English and Mandarin.  Having an engineering degree 2 E$ V0 u4 e/ s+ Z, U, ]  X0 o
in electronics or equivalent combined with a minimum 3 ! j/ l% Z/ L1 u, {# D' u- G9 v
years of experience in an electronic production " O! ]7 \* I# c( N% t4 G  @
environment.  Knowledge of fiber optics is an asset.
6 A: K; Q* ^+ |4 ?- v* bDuties and Responsibilities:1 n! r( b' X- t2 r
Product technical support for production
, F; i3 c& j& D. P+ Z8 d6 m产品技术支持# k. J3 j( d6 K; E5 w8 L6 S
Setup and train printed circuit assembly test technicians on
# r2 Q, Q% X) T& \4 y8 L# {the universal test stations
% `& N' V8 k& O, J$ q- b; E8 n$ j0 N设立和培训UTS 测试工位
; d0 M9 G  _! E- d* g" dReview and implement new production cells and assist
: Q0 u# e4 [1 s$ M/ H. }with the equipment setup and training of staff
% J% F5 e8 q& C! B7 d2 r4 a, E评估和实施新产品线和协助设拉并培训员工
+ h" |5 S7 V6 J3 KParticipate during product transfers by reviewing and/or
  }. @: V0 n/ C# I6 otranslating assembly documentation6 u- ]2 |9 c/ t8 g* }: ^
$ M5 B' r( P7 p: V  h% {Monitor, analyze, and report on the quality of semi-finished ; F, \# ~' h( u' l
or finished assemblies+ I; y- m' `: p- m
监查/分析和汇报半成品和成品的质量' Y( I( o* B, w  ?
Finished goods quality inspection audit1 U* V% G5 r6 P5 u' ?% b
成品质量检查4 c9 g& u- Q. \4 \0 [5 A
9 s1 x9 e7 P( T0 P- n; ?工程经理,高级产品技术支持工程师
( y+ m' k. _& l2 l  E$ a; y; C    工作方式:    全 职  
- F. s" Z0 u/ ]& ?工作地区:    宝安区      招聘对象:    社会人才
+ T* H, B+ M1 t! G9 o7 w4 X人数/性别:    5 人 / 不限     学历要求:    不 限
* t: i" m* o6 M# F; d提供月薪:    面议  
. g" @6 Y( V& y0 W/ F岗位职责:     
( g3 R0 \6 [  \! T! G. L6 \' E职位要求:    具备深厚的电子应用技术和知识;英文优秀;有光纤知识优
; m! V4 S: x& Q! R先。Good communication skills in both written and spoke
: {* O! T" R) N( ^- [/ [6 Q+ }4 Vfor English and Mandarin.  Having an engineering degree " N4 g6 \$ L" P
in electronics or equivalent combined with a minimum 3 4 e3 w! f  \& v6 S( K% r+ O1 ~7 N
years of experience in an electronic production % ]/ i+ Z" `, ?$ H& [6 m( {
environment.  Knowledge of fiber optics is an asset.
3 {( J# Z$ U; d7 w) qDuties and Responsibilities:
( I: U4 f, j5 s9 J* r- Z8 iProduct technical support for production $ }4 e, R" s) {+ b; X9 ^$ i  j
产品技术支持8 C  A  |" t/ N. |) a; l
Setup and train printed circuit assembly test technicians on * j; R6 ^$ s" ?* |2 g2 f/ b
the universal test stations/ o9 e$ L0 b7 p9 z0 W7 w
设立和培训UTS 测试工位, H) Q+ E* j9 s5 p$ g8 i
Review and implement new production cells and assist & f5 P% B- J2 N2 Q9 ~
with the equipment setup and training of staff/ z5 p5 V; Y# _* n% ~
评估和实施新产品线和协助设拉并培训员工1 M" i, t6 J5 d4 E) v. l% J( |/ V
Participate during product transfers by reviewing and/or ) F  i. B, F/ E- h5 Q' u( {
translating assembly documentation
: U& c& B! d" j' Z! `) ^6 T参加产品转移项目并评估和翻译相关文件
6 I+ E0 z+ K/ ]) P3 T" |7 b7 \Monitor, analyze, and report on the quality of semi-finished . j& C4 u4 T7 V
or finished assemblies2 `: l# x% B. Q) X8 G7 x2 `
- V6 L  l5 t+ u; pFinished goods quality inspection audit4 @# o8 j* X/ |/ l" J
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