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[转贴] Cleaning and Handling Infrared Filters

发表于 2007-4-17 08:38:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Cleaning and Handling Infrared Filters
# D3 q) m8 I+ x4 [/ ]6 o$ s
+ E* u  i' c- R2 @- ]# K6 P2 E9 o
* J1 L1 d2 ?" M2 T6 @( H3 Q

% `. n4 @9 B# O4 Y: cCleaning with Isopropyl Alcohol or Acetone
9 N9 e; b% k  v6 A$ M  g2 u6 o$ C- M& e  m
This is the method most universally used for cleaning coated elements. Please note:6 I; I' |1 L. h6 V5 i0 Y8 @
6 M% Y  ~- I4 i8 {1 t4 g4 j( j
Do not use isopropyl alcohol or acetone if the elements will be mounted in an assembly with a finish which may be soluble by these solvents.
* I' i  `, X& W; i6 kSome experience is needed to develop the skill to clean large surface areas satisfactorily.
1 F% _/ s5 f) ?3 G9 m. q4 zSmall parts may be cleaned by immersing them in the solvent and rubbing the surfaces lightly during immersion with a clean, soft, all-cotton cloth. The parts are then removed from the solvent and immediately wiped dry with a clean, soft, all-cotton cloth.! e% c" i* X# j
: w" D* y$ c/ L6 |
To clean parts with a large surface area, relatively small areas should be treated at a time. The cleaning should progress from area to area until the entire surface has been cleaned. Each small area is cleaned with a soft cloth moistened with the solvent and then immediately wiped dry with another soft, clean cloth. Filters may also be cleaned with Freon, M.E.K., or other organic solvents.
# P' G9 V0 k4 y0 n7 i( i! z7 ?% |& D% D* J; \7 g6 c
Cleaning with Detergent and Water- V  o# u: F. ]# S% Y6 y

& y  H' |; N. eA very mild, non-abrasive detergent (one which does not contain additives such as lanolin) and water may also be used for cleaning optical elements, provided the coating and/or substrate materials are not water soluble. In general, a detergent and water mixture is an excellent method for removing fingerprints and other smudges. The liquid detergent is first mixed with warm tap water (proportions recommended by the manufacturer should be followed). The element is then washed, rinsed, and immediately wiped dry. Use a clean, soft cloth when cleaning and drying. If the part is allowed to dry in air, a permanent stain may result.
4 h" `3 g9 @( L* d
5 ?5 U5 e# Q8 p, W; THandling  s! D$ |3 D! c7 |8 n) b! N& G0 o

, j& y5 K( |! K5 nCoated optical elements deserve special consideration in their handling and care. Ordinarily, filters are cleaned and inspected prior to shipment. If proper care is exercised when filters are removed from packaging materials, cleaning should not be necessary.) E% r) a. d8 c" B1 A

) [) y4 R% {% Z! vTo reduce the possibility of damage, avoid handling the filters unnecessarily.
! p( \2 U6 \. t5 }! RWear gloves when handling an optical element. Lightweight nylon or cotton gloves which are relatively lint-free are recommended.
7 i- a, c8 U9 p2 v- f( ^1 n1 P3 |Avoid touching the coated surface. The element should be held by its edges.
( p: |# w, _1 }! F; `/ `0 z  VCoated optical elements should be handled over a work area covered with a soft, clean cloth, e.g., a diaper cloth. They should rest on a clean, soft surface or preferably in a partitioned polystyrene container where the filters will be supported by the edges rather than the critical optical surface.
; j, i4 |6 G' T# s: [Filters should always be separated so that they cannot come into physical contact with each other. A partitioned polystyrene container is ideal for this purpose.
; n& z2 P7 o& ?3 ?$ R. i  V) dFilters should be covered with a soft, clean cloth to avoid contamination from the surrounding environment. 4 m3 e* E1 |+ V. d( z5 Q5 E
A covered container can eliminate damage during transportation and storage. 0 A* B! R% ~6 C) B: v1 @$ L+ w
Optical elements should be stored in a restricted access area to eliminate handling by untrained personnel.
发表于 2006-1-6 13:41:53 | 显示全部楼层
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