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[转贴] 高损伤阈值三倍频分离膜

发表于 2012-2-18 13:07:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
高损伤阈值三倍频分离膜王孝东[1,2] 张锦龙[1,2] 马彬[1,2,3] 焦宏飞[1,2,3] 丁涛[1,2] 程鑫彬[1,2][1]同济大学精密光学工程技术研究所,上海200092 [2]上海市特殊人工微结构材料与技术重点实验室,上海200092 [3]同济大学航空航天与力学学院,上海200092摘 要:设计了Nd:YAG激光用三倍频分离膜,膜层材料为SiO2和HfO2。经过优化,膜系在355 nm处的反射率在99%以上,在532 nm和1 064 nm处透射率也在99%以上。采用电子束蒸发技术,在熔融石英基底上制备了样品,经测量,制备的分离膜光学性能与设计值接近。分离膜在355 nm激光辐照下的损伤阈值为5.1 J/cm2,并用微分干涉显微镜表征了薄膜损伤形貌。[著者文摘]
8 f/ l) F* S4 R; |7 P" e
6 k: f3 W" b! n, u' v5 _关键词:三倍频分离膜 电子束蒸发 激光损伤阈值 光学薄膜
$ ?6 K& ]) m2 F+ }% b9 l6 w
/ @0 I6 s5 H+ R/ E分类号: O484.4[著者标引]
! A/ m! b) U7 T  x# ~: t- N3 A文献标识码:A
( \4 k3 Z) e! g. _) r5 J2 m( l文章编号:1001-4322(2011)07-1882-03/ Z5 i9 `$ G! O: d3 g; ~" B
栏目信息:ICF与激光等离子体" J2 _! l' `2 {7 e: Q
+ v+ l5 k, x  }6 J
相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   
- |) [0 D! u% d) X+ r3 q" W8 ^- {4 _2 G. c
0 |; A: _5 R- ]  e1 }1 }3 `( S
Third harmonic separator with high laser-induced damage thresholdWang Xiaodong,Zhang Jinlong,Ma Bin,Jiao Hongfei,Ding Tao,Cheng Xinbin,1.Institute of Precision Optical Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;2.Shanghai Key Laboratory of Special Artificial Microstructure Materials and Technology,Shanghai 200092,China;3.School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,ChinaAbstract:Using electron beam evaporation,a 355 nm separator was designed by depositiing SiO2 and HfO2 alternatively.The coating has a reflectivity of larger than 99% at 355 nm through optimization and a transmittance larger than 99% at 532 nm and 1 064 nm.It has good electric-field distribution.The spectra of the fabricated coating is close to the designed one.The laser-induced damage threshold of the coating is 5.1 J/cm2.Morphology of laser-induced damage of the coating was characterized by differential interference contrast microscope.[著者文摘]
1 I9 D0 P# }7 I  o5 m2 c
/ U& F5 L9 B: \# C; p  {1 QKey words:third harmonic separator; electron beam evaporation; laser-induced damaged threshold; thin film! {3 u: |7 N7 [; a, O

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发表于 2012-2-18 14:47:56 | 显示全部楼层
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