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[求助] targets cone angle 是怎么使用的?

发表于 2011-7-8 20:43:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
哪位大哥 能和我说下* j  b" ]7 o8 V& P
TFCalc targets cone angle是怎么使用的5 y5 y2 [1 g8 A
谢谢# _+ j" \3 r- y( a+ j

/ K$ u: g$ Z8 ]/ s3 r
发表于 2011-7-8 21:16:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 gds 于 2011-7-8 21:19 编辑 ' N% Z- d0 X2 R2 ?- Y+ k! v# |

$ f1 |' s% M6 s, K: X8 h( R给你个官方的例子:
7 n  m- A# e/ B
4 }% A- q  {3 O( ?8 F) b- ~, z! U6 P' p( I1 M
Broadband AR for a Cone of Light ( }; o9 B6 Q6 `3 r* J4 _
Here we consider a coating on glass that reflects only 0.5% of a cone of light for a range of wavelengths from 420 to 680 nm. The cone axis is normal to the glass. The cone has an F-number of 0.778, which means the half-angle is 40 degrees. An uncoated glass surface reflects 4.4% of this cone of light. We use a feature new to version 3.5: cone-angle targets. As optimization targets we use
& ~8 l, ?9 k  S: u: W$ gR < 0.5% for wavelengths 420, 425, 430,..., 680 and for a 40-degree cone 0 E. i9 r  I, \5 |" F

  I  d8 J1 X+ F. |# ZIn TFCalc, these targets are easy to enter by using the "Generate Cone Targets" command on the Options menu of the "Targets - Cone Angle" window. We use TFCalc's needle/tunneling optimization to design the coating from "scratch". That is, we begin the design process with a single thin layer of TiO2 and allow TFCalc to increase the thickness and number of layers in the design. TFCalc finds a 6-layer design in a few minutes. The performance of this design is shown below. The little circles indicate the optimization targets.. ^% {$ q2 ^! T
# m4 n5 X( ^9 L* u; T$ `# b8 J
) e6 j; o+ R  Z2 K# K
Here is the design, starting with the layer closest to glass, and with thicknesses given in nm: ! T7 R! N% W5 E" N9 ~* u. f9 Y1 ]
TIO2          11.04# N* L0 h% ?4 b# c9 t
SIO2          44.43
5 \& m6 n& F6 v6 U$ k/ Q9 @TIO2          34.99" w* W/ q7 d' P/ ~8 q
SIO2          28.25
( F7 f# N# R) E7 @% }TIO2          30.468 g0 |: C$ c7 e6 U& n
SIO2         104.92
6 {% K! K1 u$ n5 W+ ^1 t5 O! H
; m; G# ?6 @3 z+ {. |5 \9 l


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