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[转贴] Some Materials Science Aspects of PVD Hard Coatings

发表于 2011-7-17 18:14:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. Some Materials Science Aspects of PVD Hard Coatings
Christian Mitterer1 and Paul H. Mayrhofer2
# M/ d  `* ?9 S1 u1 Materials Center Leoben, Department of Physical Metallurgy and Materials' q2 d: {, k) u+ y+ v* B# L5 u* B
Testing, University of Leoben
* j" }% n6 r4 A( z- }Franz-Josef-Strasse 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
. J" Z+ k" h5 [/ G+ f5 q: E. t2 Department of Physical Metallurgy and Materials Testing, University of Leoben
7 ]0 Z' g* z4 q4 e8 q; Y0 dFranz-Josef-Strasse 18, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
$ f: X  Y; H9 C0 x- j; R! S, wAbstract. Hard coatings deposited by Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) based, `& t0 `' n- o3 Z6 \* ~+ g
on the transition element nitrides are nowadays widely applied to reduce wear and$ D# \0 b( b' r' i  [
corrosion of tools. In the last two decades, tremendous advances have been achieved* C1 u2 a/ I0 t7 k" O3 K
in the development of deposition and application technology of hard coatings. The, A; J0 q* t/ J  J
methods to be applied to optimize coating properties are known from materials
8 t+ m$ j& g" Q% k3 n* B7 fscience, however, only in the last few years significant attempts have been made1 C& e/ B! T( J' f
to use them for designing coatings showing the properties required. The aim of# h/ t" ]  p& c* z6 ^/ d  V
this paper is to show the interrelationships between microstructural parameters8 U( O! A! x: N; V
like grain size or microstress and mechanical coating properties and their thermal. L% y9 \" I( r+ A
stability. This is demonstrated using conventional coating systems like TiN and
3 |, ?$ L( D+ ^CrN as well as nanocomposite coating systems like TiN–TiB2 and TiC–TiB2.


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