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[转贴] Space Mapping Technique for Design Optimization

发表于 2011-7-4 19:51:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Space Mapping Technique for Design Optimization
% s  X7 v$ E9 v! cof Antireflection Coatings in Photonic Devices
& ~4 t' z4 n6 j9 W9 FNing-Ning Feng, Gui-Rong Zhou, and Wei-Ping Huang, Senior Member, IEEE, Member, OSA
. e- ]9 {: O; _) ]! z" e' wAbstract—Space-mapping (SM) technique is applied for design
* N: i  Q7 a# Roptimization of antireflection (AR) coatings for photonic devices5 M8 ~& Z# W! ]0 X  }. p( z- s6 g- u
such as the semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA). The approximate: [/ j( T! p+ [  W3 u! _, `6 `! Y
and efficient transfer matrix method (TMM) serves as the9 x4 G) ?; }) i3 A' C: E
coarse model for design optimization, whereas the time-intensive; X0 }' H* ]8 k. U: Q' O: t" q. j
and accurate finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is- d: q  X7 j; G' _* Q$ o, e: c3 `
used as the fine model for model calibration. A mapping is established
! h: F6 I' x2 Ibetween the parameter spaces of the coarse and the fine
2 m7 J- Q/ k% V4 h, G! G1 Gmodels so that the fine model design becomes the inverse mapping
" q2 _9 Z1 \( ]3 c. l9 P; D* fof the optimized coarse model design. Remarkable performance0 G2 n6 k8 [) h2 S4 |4 i0 _
of the SM technique in terms of efficiency and accuracy in the. {; _0 t. W* f" I
design optimization is demonstrated by way of examples. It is$ j) l( I5 P- D7 ^; `
shown that, in the context of multilayer coating design, the desired* t6 Z  c9 g( D- X
broadband ultralow reflectivities can be obtained within three fine
3 a5 |4 L/ }! _model (FDTD) calculations.1 b0 y: ^- I9 {! r. x
Index Terms—Antireflection coatings, finite difference time domain+ m3 R6 e, W) t, H% t! b
method, space mapping technique.
4 e( E$ U( D5 r" y2 }2 X9 ^7 B
& z: J6 f" R+ y; ~+ a3 @; Y: K


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发表于 2011-7-5 00:23:58 | 显示全部楼层
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