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[薄膜书籍] 独家发布Maceod<<Thin-film optical filters>>第一部分

发表于 2012-3-8 16:48:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Thin-film optical filters
( y5 o* `# x! ?1 Z& e% U% ~Hugh Angus Macleod0 b& Q' ~6 `+ I/ P$ b/ a, A2 V4 y
独家发布Macleod<<Thin-film optical filters>>第一部分
/ y2 V- |$ \8 o! `Very common optical coatings are those that give the faint, reflected color to the lenses in cameras, binoculars, and spectacles. The thin metal layer that makes the difference between a mirror and a simple sheet of glass is an optical coating. But, optical coatings are used in many more applications-a particularly important current one being the splitting and combining of optical channels of communication that are directed through a common optical fiber. Most modern optical systems could not function without optical coatings. The telecommunications industry uses various types of coatings, such as antireflection coatings, polarizers, and dichroic coatings, in personal displays, computer monitors, and projection TV systems. Optical coatings are an integral part of semiconductor laser systems, CD and DVD optical systems, and fiber-optic networks.
# Y6 l' J' H- ^, oFirst published in 1969, Thin Film Optical Filters still serves as the major reference and textbook in the field. This third edition provides a unified treatment of the design, manufacture, performance, and application of optical thin films. It includes the mathematics necessary for readers to carry out thin-film calculations and contains extensive reference to the original literature. The coverage of optical filters includes antireflection and high-reflectance coatings. This is a comprehensive introduction to thin-film optical filters written for professionals in industry and those entering the field. It also provides a solid foundation for students in appropriate graduate course5 e9 I8 z* ]3 V
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