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[转贴] 光学薄膜表面微细缺陷在线检测方法研究

发表于 2012-2-18 13:04:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
光学薄膜表面微细缺陷在线检测方法研究钟球盛 胡广华 李静蓉华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,广州510641摘 要:为了对光学薄膜进行精密光学检测,需要采用数个具有高解析度的线阵CCD相机进行光学薄膜缺陷图像的同步采集。基于计算机视觉的理论,提出了一种有效的自动质量监测方案,实现对光学薄膜表面微细缺陷项目的检测,并根据检测结果驱动打标机对光学薄膜缺陷进行自动标识和定位,该方法具有高精度、实时、在线和非接触的显著优势。探索性实验结果表明,采用该方法可获得光学薄膜表面缺陷的清晰图像,缺陷的细节能够得到很好的展现,并且能够完成缺陷特征的提取与识别。[著者文摘]7 E' T) L# B# d- J! _( I3 e

0 ~7 L+ n' ]& u& j: U关键词:光学薄膜 缺陷检测 计算机视觉! `8 r3 Q/ _2 y7 {. P6 k+ M
$ F" k9 O# B7 S/ T" U) A! m
分类号: TH16 TP391.4[著者标引]
% w" @5 Z/ n# I# o文献标识码:A
4 m/ h. U, S- ~) J文章编号:1001-3997(2011)10-0102-03
3 C! ^; A6 V) ]8 q栏目信息:先进制造技术" j% w. E6 K& T( X) I# w4 i. c

9 k5 w8 O: D. y相关文献:主题相关 全文快照   
! a' i9 y( o8 W) |. p+ I% v; V  y" q+ d' _8 [7 H; n
6 w% V# Q+ r, H3 S5 S3 g: [" L
Research on on-line inspecting algorithm for micro-defects of optical films surfaceZHONG Qiu-sheng,HU Guang-hua,LI Jing-rongSchool of Mechanical & Automotive Engineering,South China Univ.of Tech,Guangzhou 510641,ChinaAbstract:In this study,a defect inspection system for optical films has been developed,in which several line scan CCD cameras with high resolution are used to acquire the images of the films synchronously.Based on the Machine Vision technology,an efficient and effective quality monitoring scheme has been proposed to find out the micro defects from the images.Results given by the monitoring are then used to control a marking machine to mark the positions of the defects in the films.Compared with manual inspecting way,the proposed method is outstanding since it has some promising benefits such as high-precision,real-time,on-line and non-contact.Experimental results indicate that clear defect images can be obtained,defect's detail can be displayed perfectly and the defect's feature can be extracted and recognized.[著者文摘]
5 B* T. `! H' p5 C: T) P" i& I% s7 B. L; a5 E" {' q9 A
Key words:Optical films; Defect inspecting; Machine vision
; E; c" ^9 I4 A- G' L- S- Y
5 [3 J, Y; ^8 h* l7 i4 Y% m3 D; }* {0 ]/ c

% W2 Y8 T# k" B8 ]


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