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restrictions and compensation

已有 342 次阅读2011-6-7 16:10

General public libraries lend books currently available information, in quantity or one, or two, in time or for a week, or for two weeks. The control is also the time the book there are two ways, one is overdue is also a fine, the right one for some time to stop borrowing. Besides library also contains restrictions and compensation. Library of Tibeta. nfl jerseys n books, for every part of the form, value, value, and the special needs and other reasons, be restricted in the use of only standard read in the Library. Books limited, generally include reference books, rare books Jane, continuity publications. Sch. nba jerseys ool libraries have , temporarily lent to students for reference until the end of the course, cancel reservations, still available for lending. The method of compensation refers to the books in circulation, damage loss by readers often the case, a lib. nfl jersey rary for the protection of library resources against loss, are set for the method of compensation, as the basis for treatment. The reading room also has a reading room, often out certain expectations of the reader, also generally in the public moralit. cheap nfl jerseys y and order on the reader to make certain requirements, such as keeping quiet clean and not wear Mulv, smoking, sleep, talk and laugh, and anywhere away scraps of paper, or other misconduct occurred, and open time. When we use the library. wholesale nfl jerseys should be familiar with these rules, aware of the rights and obligations have, the most important should have a basic idea that the library's responsibility to maintain data integrity, and the library system is built on top of t. mlb jerseys he social morality, The library resources and to safeguard the public interest to make rules, where I should play a civic-minded readers, the responsibility to help libraries reach. 2. Reference :Reference services to readers in the use of library books and library questions that occur to provide a help, you can also say that librarians use their professional knowledge and skills, and reference books to supplement the implementation of a service to readers, and its The purpose of personal service, readers and library materials to eliminate the gap between. The services include answers to difficult problems the reader, guiding readers use reference books to help readers search for other items of the information. Such services are assisted in the data Finding the reader to solve the difficulties with the use of, rather than readers of alternative work, or homework and so on.






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