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forming a portico to the adjacent buildings

已有 498 次阅读2011-3-15 16:38

mmetrical arrangement of the original buildings was not observed  but the group included churches of the Resurrection, of the Sepulchre, the Calvary, and St. Constantine  and many new sites of different incidents of the Saviour's sufferings were now, for the first time, added by the credulous spirit of the age. The Chapel of Helena is supposed by Professor Willis to belong to this period. In the Swarovski Bracelets restoration that took place after the destruction by Hakim, Nike Zoom Kobe still further modifications occurred. But the present complicated and intricate jumble of buildings owed its form to the Crusaders.

 When they took possession of Jerusalem, they found that certain of the holy places, such as Nike Shox Classic the Golgotha, and the place of the Invention of the Cross, were merely small oratories outside the principal church. Not satisfied with this state of things, they went to work, and ingeniously included the whole beneath one roof  and these arrangements have remained 98 CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE. undisturbed, except by the fire of 1808, which having destroyed the interior of the Round Church, it was recased again two years afterwards. The southern front of the church, with the massive campanile, has formed the subject of such numerous illustrations that we shall not reproduce it here.

 It is a strikingly picturesque Nike outlet and venerable facade, in what Professor Willis calls "Pointed Romanesque," the doors and windows being loaded with rich ornament, in a mixed and peculiar style. The campanile has a somewhat ponderous appearance, from the loss of the two upper stories, Swarovski Necklace which must formerly have rendered it a very handsome tower. It stands over the Chapel of St. John. Connected with it, and forming the western side of the court, is a range ot chapels, the apses of which externally appear as buttresses. Attached to the south-western angle, is to be seen one of a range of Tiffany outlet columns, which, now broken off, once ran across the tiffany jewelry court, forming a portico to the adjacent buildings.







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