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the end just the country

已有 320 次阅读2011-3-3 05:26 |个人分类:Juicy Couture Bags

[size=1][font=lucida sans unicode][color=#9d9d9d]e accident of accidents and interrupt. S. "ErMo" (1993) showed, it not only break far more people change, and that pay the blood of life, in the end just the country to break a vanity. Good, the ErMo "meaning is complex, is by no means simple country Sally. This movie perspective marked with a "DongFangHua" flavour, this film used [url=http://www.shopjuicycouturebags.com/]juicy couture[/url]many times by the "window frame perspective" [/color][/font][/size][size=1][font=宋体][color=#9d9d9d]⑩[/color][/font][/size][size=1][font=lucida sans unicode][color=#9d9d9d] will see not hard. However, in addition to poverty, silent, a border of mountain village outside, the previous movies in common that spectacular and vigorous western has gone: no loess plateau's slowly wave move, not the gobi desert of imposing display, nor of the Yellow River pentium [url=http://www.shopjuicycouturebags.com/juicy-couture-wallets-c-4.html]juicy couture wallets[/url]growl or dignified slowly. The hero of the day and night ErMo film of face, sell toil do face and woven baskets, "blind" is by a car shabby truck "make transport" has become a rich man in the village. We can't see the old well.qiaoying left "type of entrenchment vernacular, rather than die not depart from the villagers, the land is[url=http://www.shopjuicycouturebags.com/juicy-couture-purses-c-3.html]juicy couture purses[/url] not rely on, is no longer the fetters. People can easily flow, they do not refuse or fear off the land, but interestingly, courageously out of (or directly out of) of farmland desperately ErMo, that in poverty and sex depresses the double difficulty ErMo, she came to town sells in the basket, selling noodles, jobs, and even sold b[url=http://www.shopjuicycouturebags.com/]juicy couture outlet[/url]lood, not to direct to solve the difficulty of life, she denied husband saving money to build houses this tradition and only claim, but determined to buy a "the county magistrate can't afford the biggest, the" color TV. It seemed a bit too exaggeration, romantic, have even hide reality disrelish (11). But if we associate, at the ou[url=http://www.shopjuicycouturebags.com/]juicy couture bags[/url]tset GaoJiaLin so want to escape from countryside, escape from that closed the northwest of the loess plateau, mainly is to obtain the identity of the city, if again associate to why in recent 20 years, there are so many Chinese farmers, desperate to (even pay a price of life) pour into the city, a desire to get a new subject ident[url=http://www.shopjuicycouturebags.com/]Juicy Couture Sale[/url]ity (12), perhaps can understand the art of romantic deep place. But the ErMo "itself, such arrangement is strongly prominent in the context of globalization, the Chinese by modernization appeal tunneling. Former film repeatedly appears is western mountains and rivers, no matter how poor, how it dries up, but its KuoDa, bold, alway[url=http://www.shopjuicycouturebags.com/juicy-couture-earrings-c-17.html]juicy couture earrings[/url]s occupy the whole screen, is the center of the center of the world points. However, in the ErMo ", ErMo and their hometowns through television this modern window, saw is America's "soap" giants orlakers-spurs ", women's synchronized swimming, "the Chinese say foreign words" social English courses, misunderstood as "foreigners clus[url=http://www.shopjuicycouturebags.com/]juicy couture handbags[/url]ter" American football games... But when ErMo finally by the final capital - blood of life - expense that condensing world "big color TV" please enter dilapidated house, it have nowhere to placing it would make them "bale no water", "can't open ark", and finally had to on the kang, extrude them rest space. Survival tools, ErMo do Z[url=http://www.shopjuicycouturebags.com/juicy-couture-rings-heart-diamonds-p-48.html]juicy couture rings[/url]hao







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